Mosey wrecked my bike....

Thread started by
UsingMOARBACON at 06.17.12 - 5:37 pm
But thanks to the guy that was collecting cans staying back to help me put my bike back together after it was sabotaged, I was at least able to skate bike back home. Still missing my chain; I can only assume it's either still at the park or in the Angelope's Casa in Troy's pant's pocket.
But hey, the new sound bike was awesome!
youre lucky your bike was the only thing wrecked on a mosey. newark told me once he woke up and said that the inside of his butthole was extremely soar. true story
andres8406.17.12 - 11:30 pm
BAhahahahaha..... Im sorry to laugh but damn dude this is funny.
OsnapsonJC06.18.12 - 9:13 am
have to wonder why your bike was sabotaged. might be because you are loud and out of control when you are drunk?
FUNPolice06.18.12 - 1:12 pm
I didn't see anyone else have a problem with my conduct aside from Troy and a few of the angelopes that defended him. Either way, since when is screwing with someone's bike (that may actually strand them) acceptable behavior from ANY bike group?
UsingMOARBACON responding to a
comment by FUNPolice
06.18.12 - 3:44 pm
Los Angelopes at their finest yet again..
TheDude responding to a
comment by UsingMOARBACON
06.18.12 - 7:03 pm
Just be glad he didnt shell u with that airsoft piece he keeps under his pillow...
JOKER responding to a
comment by UsingMOARBACON
06.18.12 - 10:40 pm
You gaise jus dong understand true Pizza Kulture!
Joe Borfo06.18.12 - 11:03 pm
The mosey stole my soul. I can't get that shit back. Doctor's said I need a backiotomy. You don't see me making posts about it.
Rosiekins06.19.12 - 4:40 am
You've been told numerous times, by many different people to chill the fuck out. In nothing but blatant terms. I don't think it's cool what happened to you. But I also think you're a douche bag and need to chill the fuck out. I do not want you to hear your voice as the background music to every ride i'm on.
Avner06.19.12 - 9:37 am
Bike disassemblers will be treated with the same respect level as bike thieves, if I should ever find someone with an unwanted wrench on my bike. Call me a hater if you want, but you cannot go on expecting people not to stomp your teeth into a curb if you mess with their bikes.
TheDude06.19.12 - 12:12 pm
Ive had only one person fuck with my bike and that was newark. i let him because hes my bro and it was only tagging. no biggie bikes are bikes and are replaceable. but a cool slow bro like newark is not, stay slow my slow bro.
andres8406.19.12 - 12:34 pm
but the same doesnt go for other people dont fuck with my shit cause im not fucking with yours <3
andres8406.19.12 - 12:34 pm
"Los Angelopes at their finest yet again.. "
Sounds like a hater comment to me.
OsnapsonJC06.19.12 - 3:35 pm
my fixie bike was once intentonaly RAMMED into on a mosy ride.
not uncoincidetaly it was by NEWARC the ANGELOPE
we shuld not tolarate this sort of behvour on midnite ridaz ridez.
slowrighthand responding to a
comment by andres84
06.19.12 - 7:01 pm
Pizza Kulture has nutting to do wit dis mang.
Xray responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
06.20.12 - 1:45 pm
THEDUDE i agree with you if i saw troys fairy face fucking with my FUN id FUCK him FROM the FARside of the FAM in a FRENCh fiction FRENZZZZZZZy
MoM RIDAZ42006.20.12 - 3:39 pm
Well I think because of the falsely accusative thread title (why u gotta blame the mosey bro?) I am entitled to think this is really fucking funny.
However, I don't think it's right at all that someone took shit off of your bike... and if you still haven't had it returned to you that's even more fucked up. Especially when it comes to fellow ridazz, you don't fucking steal shit or mess with people's property. Fail. Sorry that this happened to you. If I would have known about it, I would have done my best to keep it from happening.
On another note, perhaps you should listen to a few of the posts here- some people obviously have some sort of an issue with the way you act sometimes. Actually I remember a moment of the night hearing someone say "COME ON! THIS MUSIC SUCKS", I looked up and saw you. Now, normally a comment like that I would receive to be in good fun or maybe it really does suck and I should check my shit, but the way you said it only made me think wtf, really?
Also a while back you cut my girlfriend off on her tall bike causing her to fall and I don't think she's forgiven you yet, haha... GIRLS
jonnyboy06.20.12 - 5:57 pm
I agree 100% with this post, especially the part about being wrong about blaming the "ride." He began his rant in similar fashion on FB, by posting it on the Night Owl group forum calling out MIDNIGHT RIDAZZ, when again, the blame may rely on one or maybe even a few people.
Brandon, check yourself a little bit bro and I'm sorry this happened to you as well.
GodLovesUgly responding to a
comment by jonnyboy
06.20.12 - 6:18 pm
I was so drunk from Paint Warriors that I collapsed on the side of the street on the way to the Mosey. But If I had made it and I continued to throw paint or do some other drunken stupid shit. And if I had people ask me to cut it out and I didn’t. I would really appreciate someone taking my chain and not calling the cops on me. I feel like in the future kicking someone off a ride should be up to the ride leader. And if the leader wants someone off a ride and they won’t leave this is a great option.
Funarchist Bike Movement06.20.12 - 7:38 pm
This thread needs two things.
1. More pictures of dak in silly costumes
2. More flexing
newarkhouse06.20.12 - 7:40 pm
This thread needs one thing.
1. More pictures of dak in silly costumes
toweliesbong responding to a
comment by newarkhouse
06.20.12 - 10:16 pm
Y U MAD BRO? Bradon(usinGMOARBACON) you need to tone it down.You do sometimes just scream random nonsense.I remember the first time you came on my ride(nightowll) You were drunk and may not remember,but i was leading the ride back to the start and out of nowwhere you call left and no one had called it.just remember saying WTF..dude SO tone the doucheness down.IT is a bit funny but still no right to mess with your bike,maybe this will be an awakeninh
Huey55506.21.12 - 12:17 am
Hmm in regards to the music, are you referring to the mosey? Don't remember whether I said anything like that or not but if I did, I'm sorry. That would be a dumb thing to say, and yeah, I do say dumb stuff. Mostly it's for fun and to make people laugh; not every joke lands though :(
Also, I do still remember the tall-biker; I apologize for that as well.
UsingMOARBACON responding to a
comment by jonnyboy
06.21.12 - 2:45 am
Sometimes my ass! LOL I may have thought you called out a left and was just repeating it so everyone else knew what was up, which is definitely possible because I have made that mistake before.
And I would've just laughed it off if it had just been the headset and tires; I was just upset that the chain was taken off and kept so I couldn't put it back on.
UsingMOARBACON responding to a
comment by Huey555
06.21.12 - 2:49 am
Im glad this has spilled over to the boards.....
I have been reading and reading and reading with a few lulz thrown in. I have to agree it is unfair to say the Mosey wrecked your bike and I find all of this funny as hell. It does suck someone swooped a chain but I cant say I didn't see this coming. I have heard / seen way to many people tell you to chill out and watch it go in one ear and out the other. I have even told you to chill out. It sucks it got to the point of theft to bring all this up but I think someone just got fed up. Hopefully you take this as a hint... chill out.
OsnapsonJC06.21.12 - 8:35 am
Stay tuned for the
There will pleanty of baco bits and everyone can let their freak flags fly.
No holds barred. Be the maniac you want to see in the world!
This July!
Joe Borfo
06.21.12 - 9:12 am
why i love our community. Brandon, you are not the first one to create such drama in our community. some ignore what is being said and eventually cut themselves out. but others listen and have humbled themselves to the point that they have become ride leaders or even FUN activists.
Roadblock said it somewhere, we're all on a journey, this is your journey. how you choose to progress or digress from this point on is all up to you.
you obviously reached out to the community in more than one way. and the community has spoken. we're asking you to chill out. maybe come on a ride and not drink. maybe come on a ride and relax, sit back and really take in the community you are so desperately trying to reconcile with right now.
do you know what goes into being a ride leader? Do you know the preparation a ride leader does in order to make sure the ride he/she puts on is to the best of their ability. sometimes, they've done the ride so many times it's a quick thought process. other times, ride leaders look to their friends.
they have to know the route, places to go for fun, making sure everyone is happy, having FUN and safe, while keeping others safe. some ride leaders make hundreds of spoke cards and pour money into sound machines.
so think the next time you want to create chaos and just chill out. sit back and relax and watch the interactions of this community. sure there are some dickheads and a few assholes and a couple of trolls and scattered dingdongs - they exist in every community, family, friend circle all over. the difference is who is standing next to you when you need people the most.
the key to this community is to understand that although it thrives on drama, it also protects itself. you have done numerous things that should have expelled you from this community a long time ago. however, the community also has a forgiving heart.
so this is it. you don't get to post up in here in a week and complain about something else. you can, but you won't receive the response you're getting right now. so, sit back and chill and relax. decide to stop drinking and learn to shut your mouth and listen.
you are not the first person to create this chaos nor to get this kind of attention. you can either slip into the void of those cast away because they did not want to change or you can better yourself, humble yourself, and begin to make the changes needed for you to co-exist within our community.
bondink06.21.12 - 9:22 am
I was sympathetic to you to. I am an asshole and prior to possessing any sort of charisma, I routinely got rejected by people because of my behavior. It sucked, it hurt. It took me 5 years before I began to see the interactions change.
However I also do not have time to deal with your bullshit. You should shut your mouth, because at this point, saying nothing at all is better then saying the wrong thing. On Facebook before you deleted the thread I told you, humble yourself, apologize, either fix your shit like a man or don't. You asked me for help, you asked me who do apologize to and I said I'm not going to hold your hand, read the thread and start there.
Immediately Beth posted and said "You made me uncomfortable on numerous occasions" and rather then stepping up like a man and apologizing and asking how you can improve yourself you argued. You tried to invalidate the actions that made her uncomfortable. You refused to accept you may have actually done something when you were black out drunk (which is regularly. I see you fall monthly because of the quantity you drink.)
So the real question I have for you is. Why do you want to be in a community that you don't trust, respect or care for and that doesn't trust, respect or care for you? All you're doing is pushing yourself out and no one particularly feels the need to save a loud, arrogant, rude person from themselves even after steps to remedy the issues have been stated several times.
Fuck your chain. It's minor at this point. You have bigger issues to deal with, such as being welcome on rides. If your bike rides, worry about being welcome first because I guarantee that your welcome is being worn out.
P.S. If you couldn't tell, you fucked up with Beth bad and that single incident that only us on the FB thread saw, probably damaged you more then anything you have done thus far.
Avner06.21.12 - 10:26 am
There is an other thread on FB but I do agree with RB that we should discuss it on this forum.
Anyway, on that other thread, someone asked why this is still being discussed and he assumed this was resolved. I stated that this is a serious issue and it was no where near being resolved before he deleted his other thread.
I stated that after only two women, out of the many who he has made feel uncomfortable, spoke up about his actions, we received a half-assed apology but quickly got called liars because he felt we were "bashing" him.
This person asked what we, as a community, would want to do to better this situation.
This is my proposed solution: it's clear with what everyone has said that the problem is when he is drinking or drunk. I'd feel much more comfortable seeing him on rides and at events, knowing he isn't drinking or drunk. Like I said, we are lucky enough to be apart of a community that is just as much fun sober.
We are a forgiving community and give out second chances as much as we do spoke cards, so, I'm asking Brandon that for the next few rides, don't drink. Don't get drunk. Get to know your community in a new light. Prove to this community that you do have the self-control needed to be a productive individual that helps us thrive as a whole.
Rosiekins06.21.12 - 12:19 pm
| M | O | A | R | _ .......... / _ | B | A | C | O |
POOP DICK06.21.12 - 12:27 pm
If I could, "like" things on MR. I would "like" this and comment something along the lines of "fatty boomballati."
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by POOP DICK
06.21.12 - 12:33 pm
I think the most appalling thing is that Troy poured a beer on you. What a blatant waste of beer!
buckchin06.21.12 - 3:28 pm
I dont even look t bacon the same no more Brandon.Its your fault
Huey55506.21.12 - 5:08 pm
what we learned so far...
females are feeling threatened by males and being harassed on the rides.
loud obnoxious drunken behaviour is not welcome.
Midnight Ridazz community is dedicated to being open to all and tolerant and that's why the signals of displeasure when someone violates the ethos can be too subtle for some to receive...
Roadblock06.21.12 - 5:08 pm
"Females are feeling threatened by males and being harassed on the rides."
Let's not forget that this can go both ways.
I know this isn't the first thing we've had to deal with this as a community but we can do what it takes to make it the last.
Rosiekins responding to a
comment by Roadblock
06.21.12 - 5:23 pm
very well put my make me proud.
andres84 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
06.21.12 - 5:37 pm
You left your ipod charger at the Phallus Palace
rayrayray responding to a
comment by andres84
06.22.12 - 6:34 pm
save it for me...i'll be back up eventually
andres84 responding to a
comment by rayrayray
06.22.12 - 9:07 pm
someone is too wild for the westside? whoa.
coldcut06.23.12 - 12:45 am
Oh my god this is the best thread ever.
lackflag06.23.12 - 9:38 am
I gotta take a little time
A little time to think things over
I better read between the lines
In case I need it when I'm older
Aaaah woah-ah-aah
Now this mountain I must climb
Feels like a world upon my shoulders
And through the clouds I see love shine
It keeps me warm as life grows colder
In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
Can't stop now, I've traveled so far
To change this lonely life
I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me
I wanna feel what love is
I know you can show me
Aaaah woah-oh-ooh
I'm gonna take a little time
A little time to look around me, oooh ooh-ooh ooh-ooh oooh
I've got nowhere left to hide
It looks like love has finally found me
In my life there's been heartache and pain
I don't know if I can face it again
I can't stop now, I've traveled so far
To change this lonely life
I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me
I wanna feel what love is
I know you can show me
I wanna know what love is
I want you to show me
And I wanna feel, I want to feel what love is
And I know, I know you can show me
Let's talk about love
(I wanna know what love is) the love that you feel inside
(I want you to show me) I'm feeling so much love
(I wanna feel what love is) no, you just cannot hide
(I know you can show me) yeah, woah-oh-ooh
I wanna know what love is, let's talk about love
(I want you to show me) I wanna feel it too
(I wanna feel what love is) I wanna feel it too
And I know, and I know, I know you can show me
Show me what is real, woah (woah), yeah I know
(I wanna know what love is) hey I wanna know what love
(I want you to show me), I wanna know, I wanna know, want know
(I wanna feel what love is), hey I wanna feel, love
I know you can show me, yeah
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by lackflag
06.23.12 - 10:29 am