Need a 2-week loaner bike
Thread started by
CatCampion at 12.22.11 - 2:33 pm
I have friends/family visiting over the next 2 weeks and would love to borrow a bike or two, so they don't have to RUN alongside me! (Or, all pile on one bike.)
Not too picky, but road bike is preferred - for people around 6 feet tall (what can I say, I'm from MN, where we grow 'em tall).
You can email me cat(at)catherinecampion(dot)com
Thanks tons, mi familia.
you can always buy a few refurbished bikes for cheap from the Bikerowave (or your closest community bicycle shop) Thats what jonny boy did when his family came to town... and then we chopped up the mountain bikes for freak bikes.
newarkhouse12.22.11 - 3:47 pm
is a Sharing website.
LouisAve12.22.11 - 8:39 pm
Ridazz can share. But sometimes, unfortunately, not limited to scabies. Beware.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by LouisAve
12.22.11 - 9:09 pm
Thanks, friends! Borfo brought me a sweet loaner and, unless I can get me ol' mum (who happens to be a great grandmother, thanks to early breeding) on a bike, I think I'm good with just the one.
CatCampion12.30.11 - 7:16 pm