Bike Polo Thursdays

Thread started by
Satire at 09.15.11 - 4:45 pm
I've seen people riding near USC with polo mallets on Thursdays, specifically on hoover. Does anyone know where these people meet?
if you find out tell me/// donnie pepper and I play in inglewood
Troya_1309.15.11 - 5:39 pm
Her name is Xochitl Gonzalez. she is a volunteer at the bike oven.
PoloCholo09.15.11 - 5:45 pm
DO you know where they play and what time?
Satire09.15.11 - 5:55 pm
She it trying to start a group of new players. date and time i do not know sorry.......
PoloCholo responding to a
comment by Satire
09.15.11 - 6:19 pm
I think it's Highland Park Rec Center on Fig. They play there on Wednesdays. I think it starts at 6 or 7pm
July responding to a
comment by PoloCholo
09.15.11 - 7:44 pm
I have heard rumors that somebody was trying to start up Polo as a club sport at USC. Were these thursday sightings on Hoover recent? I know when we played at project infest on thursdays we would sometimes cruise Hoover near there for snacks and what not, but that was a while ago.
Imagine Division 1 Bike Polo at 'SC. Dayum!
JOKER09.15.11 - 10:33 pm
I believe Thirsty Thursdays meet at Hoover park
El_Fredone09.15.11 - 11:35 pm
Yeah It was pretty recent, I'd say 3 weeks at the most and I know it wasn't Thirsty Thursdays. None of those guys play polo.
I actually talked to them and they said they were trying to start something in the area. But the thing is they were on their way home from playing at a game in the area. So i'm guessing something has already been established there. This was a Thursday night not too long ago.
Satire09.16.11 - 3:21 am
Interesting. Keep us posted. And of course if u want to get in on a game, Polo is played wednesdays, fridays, and sundays currently.
JOKER responding to a
comment by Satire
09.16.11 - 9:57 am
Yeah I'll probably come go to NELA today. What time does everyone usually get there?
Satire responding to a
comment by JOKER
09.16.11 - 2:27 pm
If i were u I would show up around 7-8pm. Sometimes ppl get there early to practice. But count on em to stay late, the lites dont go out. Just keep the beer covered and the noise level down, it's rite by an apartment complex. Be ready to have a great time.
JOKER09.16.11 - 2:37 pm
Satire, would you'd like to get something started around the USC area?
We can do so, even if we don't complete 6, it can be a time to develop our skills.
We can do knife fights or just do simple games.
It's all about getting comfortable with the movements of polo.
Hope we can contact that other unknown squad.
Alfredo responding to a
comment by Satire
09.16.11 - 5:26 pm
Im pretty sure its the volunteer from the oven that im thinking of. I actually live in Hollywood but as long as its north of Jefferson im down. Commuting with the Polo ratio is a real drag. Friday during the day seems good to me.
Satire responding to a
comment by Alfredo
09.16.11 - 5:36 pm
x2 on commuting on a polo ratio. But getting to Nela is EZ, just take the redline to the gold line, exit Southwest Museum station. Ride a few blocks up Figueroa and yer there.
If u wanna practice during the day, the rink at NoHo, rite by the redline stop, at 11455 Magnolia blvd, is probly the best place. EZ to get to, and the boards are perfect.
JOKER responding to a
comment by Satire
09.18.11 - 11:56 am
818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818
Guess who's back in AZ...
Hopefully I'll make a comeback in L.A. Im homesick!!
I miss all you fuckers. So keep a candle lit for me yea?
Looks like the club/family is getting bigger. Thass Wassup!
Chicago was dope! I love that place, and it was very sad to leave, but hey, It was an amazing experience.
Hope to see you fucks soon.
-Peace ------{] ~~~o
818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818 818
BOLUDO10.3.11 - 1:37 pm