Have you???

Thread started by
OsnapsonJC at 08.16.11 - 3:55 pm
So I had to tell this someone who came out on Monday Night Rehab that had a massive chuck of his down tube missing and was being held together by his brake lines that he could not ride with us. For his own safetey and everyone else's for obvious reasons. Has any else every had to make someone leave a ride like this..?
have never had to tell someone to leave b/c their bike is in such bad shape. usually it becomes obvious that they won't be able to keep up or continue if it gets bad enough.
liquidpremium08.16.11 - 5:02 pm
Yes, sadly I have. It's really hard being a ride leader and having to deal with issues like this, but when it comes down to it you are doing what you feel is best for the ride. If they don't like it, they don't need to come on your ride. I feel your pain in having to do that but it's best in the long run.
X-Large08.16.11 - 5:19 pm
I know exactly what bike your talking about and yes that thing is scary as shit all I picture is someone being impaled on it !
zeepenguin08.16.11 - 5:47 pm
Thats what I was thinking because if they go down its all bad news. Im not trying to blast anyone by posting this but I had to ask.
OsnapsonJC responding to a
comment by X-Large
08.16.11 - 9:32 pm