Thread started by
The Senor at 07.24.07 - 11:25 am
Come up from LA to enjoy the cool temperatures and beautiful scenery while getting your hustle on. No entry fee's, no prizes, just pure glory!
is "the senor" josh?
eff this fixie only shit! my iro isnt here yet!
ruinedbyidiots07.24.07 - 8:03 pm
Fuck fixies, the backlash has begun.
franz07.24.07 - 8:11 pm
fuck fixed gears. let me guess, chrome bags mandatory as well?
wickedxawesome07.25.07 - 11:34 am
Someone should have known this would cause irritation.Could have had two categories.
deesimple07.25.07 - 11:59 am
first wolfpack drag was fixie only...
anyway, when i first heard about this race last week, josh told me to come out and made no mention of this fixie only crap. im gonna be punk and fuck your rules and show up with gears and no one will stop me.
ruinedbyidiots07.25.07 - 12:14 pm
I wonder what crybaby has to say?
kyber07.25.07 - 12:16 pm
"first wolfpack drag was fixie only...
anyway, when i first heard about this race last week, josh told me to come out and made no mention of this fixie only crap. im gonna be punk and fuck your rules and show up with gears and no one will stop me."
CORRECTION: It was single speed only (fixed or freewheel)
Roadblock07.25.07 - 12:27 pm
still excludes gears. how is that bringing bicycle culture together?
roadblock, the line in the sand has been drawn. will you cross it?
ruinedbyidiots07.25.07 - 12:37 pm
I cross it everyday. I only ride gears yet I still got love for the fixies. bring your love.... dont hate, celebrate!
Roadblock07.25.07 - 12:43 pm
Show up with your geared bike, and bring some meat to the Vegan bar-b-q, and a volleyball to the soccer game, and make sure you use your hands while playing soccer. Please talk out loud in the library.
Yes, have a competition and expect that everybody who shows up may or may not play by the rules set up for the game.
Write your name on other peoples real estate. They love that! It art,
CryBaby07.25.07 - 2:32 pm
What about showing up, hanging out, and going on an "all bikes weclome" ride (and skaters, scooters, rollerblades, and what have you just to be as all inclusive as possible) afterward?
Group hug!
Samhain07.25.07 - 3:01 pm
crybaby is back!
ruinedbyidiots07.25.07 - 5:41 pm
I'm confused. Was that a threat
CryBaby07.25.07 - 5:49 pm
I'm gonna show up to the bike kitchen on monday night, complete with sweaty sweaty balls and demand entry to bicycle bitchen.
Mere rules do not apply to me.
kyber07.25.07 - 5:54 pm
Let me express what I meant in a more eloquent manner. Since MR is one of the few bike forums that is inclusive and lacking real dicks, and I don't care to be responsible for the degradation of that.
I don't understand why excluding geared or freewheeled bikes is necessary. Would you say fixies can't compete with geared bikes? That geared bikes are so much better at drag racing that it would be an unfair advantage to use them? Well in my opinion MR proved that to be wrong when the fixie team won the All City Race, the fixies weren't the anchor that everyone thought they would be. So why not let anyone compete, let them use what they have or what they care to? With this reasoning the only reason to keep somthing fixie only is to exclude a certain element, and maybe the reason I take offense is I'm a member of the excluded, but I know a few track bike riders who feel the same about street racing.
That's my point of view, so what is everyone elses reasoning for allowing only fixies?
I'm not trying to tell anyone how to run their race, just giving my view on it.
And LOOOK Look at this rad photo of my geared, no handed track stand!!!!!!!! im cool too
franz07.25.07 - 5:55 pm
I think some of you are missing the point.
The real answer to the "why?" is "just cause."
Why are the hells angels a harley only club? Well, just because.
kyber07.25.07 - 6:49 pm
How is your boss doing Kyber? I bet everything is going real smooth...
Joe Borfo07.25.07 - 7:54 pm
we aren't trying to unite the bike culture we are trying to have a fixed gear race. In all honesty if its that big of a deal to anyone that they are being excluded from the race because of their gears, then show up and ride along side of us....if you win great have that glory to yourself...thats why its the go for the glory race...this isn't about entry fee's or messenger bags or whatever other passive aggressive disses you guys wanna throw out there. This is to have some fun in a city that is beautiful but wai boring. So stop complaining come up here and show us what you got.
The Senor07.25.07 - 9:59 pm
The answer to the why in this particular race is because the first and last legs of the race are long up hill climbs and having gears would give an adequate rider a large advantage.
The Senor07.25.07 - 10:04 pm
so start at stearns and go out towards the sbcc campus and then somewhere from there? or straight up state st?
ruinedbyidiots07.25.07 - 10:09 pm
the course is set already but if you would like to set up a race of your own or possibly work together for another race later in the summer i am all for it.
The Senor07.25.07 - 10:11 pm
I'm riding up to SB on Friday and will try to stop by (on my geared bike! but we got fixed love) if I'm still there around 2pm.
RBI or El Señor: I'm thinking about riding back home to the San Fernando Valley on Saturday via the 150 to the 126 to the 23 to the 118. Can you tell me if that's a decent route, how little roadspace there is for a solo rider and how it compares to something like Mulholland? I mapped it out and the elevation doesn't look too bad on paper but I can see some potentially gnarly grades via the satellite map. ¡Gracias!
two wheels good07.25.07 - 10:49 pm
i know the tour de california goes up the 150 through santa paula to the 126 there, but i dont know where they go from there. the 126 has a shoulder for you to ride on, but no bike lanes.
ruinedbyidiots07.25.07 - 11:02 pm
Thanks RBI. How's the elevation?--sounds like you don't ride the 150 if you're referencing the Tour. Is the 126 a better, flatter route to take?
two wheels good07.25.07 - 11:24 pm
ive ridden the 150 before. there are hills around lake casitas. it flattens out when you get on the bike path where the 150 and 33 meet. it gets hilly again when you leave the east end of town on the 150 out towards santa paula towards the summit of dennison grade. (
heres a pic of mr rollers climbing it)
but once you get to the summit, its pretty much downhill all the way into santa paula and you can get on the 126 somewhere there.
ive driven the 126 to lake piru but ive never ridden it, but its mostly flat with some hills.
the 23 is retarded. i suggest not riding it.
ruinedbyidiots07.26.07 - 1:25 am
![](/images/forums/small/Ojai Bike Route_1185505771.jpg)
Cool, then I think I'll give the 150 a shot. Just wanna finally see your beloved Ojai--never been. That Dennison Grade looked nasty on gmaps but if Mr. Rollers has made it through there, than hopefully I can too. But I guess that means leaving town before noon and missing the SB race. One less geared bike.
Much obliged RBI and hope to see you back at Wolfpack soon.
two wheels good07.26.07 - 8:09 pm
well if you want to race i can give you a ride back to ojai afterwards and you can ride from there. id love to ride with you after we got back into town but my girlfriend who cant ride a bike will be with me, and you know how those things are...
wolfpack hasnt seen the last of me.
ruinedbyidiots07.26.07 - 9:01 pm
I appreciate the offer T, but I'm looking forward to doing the whole ride. Good luck on winning the geared division and may you have more competition than you did at the Westlake Drag Race.
two wheels good07.26.07 - 10:26 pm
CLARIFICATION FOR ANY CONFUSION: there is NO geared division. Once again this is a fixed race. Do the ride cool, but geared bikes will not be counted in the standings.
The Senor07.27.07 - 11:49 am