
Ridazz Roulette!

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The Days of Our Ridazz.

NOTE: All timestamps are in the future because WE are in the future. The care takers of Midnight Ridazz.com reserves the right to remove, edit, move or delete anything for any reason. None of the opinions expressed on these boards represent the Midnight Ridazz nor can anyone purport to speak on behalf of Midnight Ridazz.

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Kaprow exhibit   3
- Frozen in Place -   5
kalies stuff   22
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Pillow Fight today a...   14
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Potholes!!   25
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A Great PSA   5
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Thread Box:
Midnight Ridazz: Sorcerer's, Witches & Goblin Ride
Thread started by studiodrome at 07.10.07 - 10:56 am

want any info about this ride? Feel free to post here. Anybody want to help make spoke cards? e-mail studiodrome@hotmail.com


think there will be any music on this ride? I know Big Bike Dan and Eric Hair will be on the Vegas ride.

07.10.07 - 11:39 am



Joe Borfo
07.10.07 - 11:52 am


Shout out to anybody who and can bring some tunes to the Ride.

07.10.07 - 12:12 pm


Will have Spoke Card Party at Rollers Pad. Most likely right before the Ride on Friday.

07.10.07 - 1:26 pm


If I can make it upo I will have a LOUD backpack.

Any requests?

07.11.07 - 12:38 am


heres my sweet graphic. as for music requests, how about bladerunner soundtrack? at least for a second.

07.11.07 - 11:21 am



You throw a goblin themed ride the one month the resident goblin has a busted arm? BULLSHIT!! This is an outrage. I'm so throwing a studiodrome-themed party but not inviting studiodrome.

City Hobgoblin
07.11.07 - 12:27 pm


you, cole, xtracycle be there

07.11.07 - 12:36 pm


heres the poster. and front of spoke card

07.11.07 - 1:00 pm


I'm going to have a carriage ride, and Your not invited Crybaby.

Let just say you could ride this ride, you would end up hurting yourself again. You may want to stay on the back of Cole's xtracycle, to save yourself from yourself. I actually never seen you look better on a bike, then when you are being carted around. Such style, such forum, and such grace.

Los Angeles belongs City Hobgoblin's, when he is on the back of an xtracycle.

City Hobgoblin should change his name to "GobberClutz"

07.11.07 - 1:24 pm


i'm scauuurrredd... don' tforget about me...why am i always near someone's butt in pictures?

07.11.07 - 1:26 pm



that grace and style comment, was meant for Cole

07.11.07 - 1:29 pm


wait, so we're going to the local taverns and asking the bar-keep if there are any adventures... er, i mean, rumors in the town we can explore?

07.11.07 - 2:20 pm


I'll be the Bard

Joe Borfo
07.11.07 - 2:51 pm


I'm not sure which is worse: shoulder charging a Prius, or riding the Xtracycle after that sunuvabitch Cole gets a few beers in him and starts intentionally steering for every pothole on the road, while your other friends (e.g. butt-photo Johnny) are riding along side lauging thier arses off.

It's all fun'n'games until he catches ya off guard and ya get a real good testicle/tailbone slam.

At any rate, both are better than reading crybaby's crappy posts. "GobberClutz?" Thanks for the non-insult, jackass!

City Hobgoblin
07.11.07 - 5:05 pm


BTW, thanks to whoever put that can of Colt 45 in the shot. Hilarious. I was at a bar with Studiodrome trying to get a good shot of the pin in my shoulder and someone was like "I want my beer in that photo." Totally captures the ethos of midnight ridazz.

ANYWAY, hooray for sorcerers & goblins ride. Do it!

A question: NY is advertising another DT crit the same night. is it possible to coordinate with the race?

City Hobgoblin
07.11.07 - 5:21 pm


hey that was my beer! look at my hand, the palpable urgency and seriousness of expression.... wow. I should look into a career as a hand model.... oh goblin you look kinda cool too, but I think you should have leaned more to the right and allowed for more can time.

07.11.07 - 5:43 pm


totes, on coordinating with the race. they start racing at 8 and we leave at 10 so I think we should be good.

we will also head in that direction just in case they run late, so it shouldn't be hard to meet up.

07.11.07 - 5:46 pm


Hahaha! I shoulda known the beer can was the work of a true genius. Like Andy fuckin' warhol.

surgery + Colt 45 = Velvet Underground + Nico

City Hobgoblin
07.11.07 - 6:20 pm


A prius, your a real tough guy. You actually admit that it was a Prius. That almost as good as having your friend cart you around on an Xtracycle. You could of played it up to be a big SUV or some guys ruffed you up, but no it was a Pirus.

07.11.07 - 11:28 pm



07.11.07 - 11:30 pm


You need a GOOD SPANK!

07.12.07 - 12:22 am


we should roll through the alley cat going down in down town

07.12.07 - 2:02 am



Joe Borfo
07.12.07 - 11:48 am


Yo, looking for a small group to help lead the ride at a slow pace and keep the front in line. Any volunteers? Drinks or bicycle wash on me. e-mail studiodrome@hotmail.com

07.12.07 - 11:52 am


my first ride tomorrow. Does anyone know how late its gonna run and whether or not I'm gonna have to drive to the meeting point? comin from south pas and the trains stop at 1130 I think.

07.13.07 - 1:50 am


i've recieved a gang load of e-mails about the ride
-YES, we will end where we start. Echo Park and Sunset
-as long as you are in decent shape you'll be fine.
-we'll be touring locations of murders, suicides, haunts etc...
-this is a route you will not want to get left behind on
and nor should you because we will have a nice pace
-and yes, if you want to dress like HARRY POTTER, go for it
-the route will be revealed tomorrow night

also check out your bike before the ride

anymore questions feel free to e-mail me at studiodrome@hotmail.com

07.13.07 - 2:01 am


"As long as you're in decent shape you'll be fine..."

Shape should have nothing to do with it. It's all about the size of your HEART!

Agent Orange
07.13.07 - 2:27 pm


here are the spoke card flavors for tonight. yellow being the scarcest because I ran out of yellow ink, and black&white being the most plentiful.

so I need just 1 more person to help laminate the spoke cards at Rollers pad. We're arriving around 7:30.

and maybe 1 or 2 more people to help lead the ride.

07.13.07 - 2:39 pm


Re: Music tonight

I've concocted an experimental sonic death-ray system for my adult tricycle -- a true 60 watts rms @ .01% THD from 20hz to 20,000hz...
I hope to debut it esta noche.
However, I can promise neither quality or reliability, as none of the electro-psycho-acoustic system, the trike, nor the operator have been properly beta tested in the field...
The 3-speed lugged steel frame trike is funky and fun, but painfully slow everywhere except downhill (where it can barely stop itself), and it turns like the Exxon Valedez on Quaaludes. All the components of the e-p-a sound system, like my knowledge thereof, date from the Reagan administration or before.
Worse, I am so retro-analog that my only input source is a portable car cd player. In keeping with our theme, I'll be packin' the soundtracks to Bladerunner and The Good, the Bad and the Ugly, but little else.
Those who wish for more are encouraged to bring either discs of their choice, or preprogrammed ipods equipped with rca jacks and/or a range of adaptor plugs that may fit my then-miracle-of-electrical-engineering 1980s vintage Soundstream true Class D fully switching transistor hi-current, low power consumption lightweight amplifier ...

07.13.07 - 2:40 pm


I have an rca to mini adapter.

I can help with spoke cards.

Joe Borfo
07.13.07 - 3:34 pm


i've gotten a few weird e-mails about D&D goblins vs World of Warcraft goblins. And how goblinoids will take over goblin tribes with dire wolves and are about to take over a huge Gnome tribe.

also we have enough people for spoke cards, and almost enough lead riders, still hit me up if interested in leading.

07.13.07 - 5:04 pm


If you get to Echo Park a little early, there are fireworks over the lake at 9pm, in conjunction with the Lotus Festival, which starts tomorrow.

Fireworks Saturady night, too!

mr rollers
07.13.07 - 5:21 pm


yay for the ride tonight. can't wait to see u all.

07.13.07 - 5:38 pm


Poppies!!! All I can see is Poppies!!! EHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!!!

...You and you little dog too...

07.13.07 - 6:04 pm


From ghoulies and ghosties And long-leggedy beasties And things that go bump in the night, Good Lord, RIDE ON !

Joe Borfo
07.13.07 - 6:51 pm


Great ride tonight everyone. Thanks for putting this together Studiodrome and the others that helped with the front pack. I liked how this ride went. We had less breaks at liquor stores but more stops to keep the group together. I felt like having the front group stop really kept us together.

Well... that LAPD in the SUV really helped alot. When he was talking to you guys at the start... was saying he'll voluntarily escort us? That was pretty cool of them. It kinda reminded me of the 1st Hollywood Ridazz ride... that was excellent.

Thanks for riding back w/ me Agent Orange and thanks everyone for the great ride.

07.14.07 - 2:19 am


Great Ride StudioDrome! Thanks. I had a friggin' ball. It's really nice how the LAPD has been with us. A little too close for my tastes, but at least they are looking out for us, and not being unreasonable like in Santa Monica.

I had fun being as annoying as possible helping hold the front line, which is very hard by the way. However, ridazz in front started helping keep the pace slower after a while. I think it works when the front folks are encouraged to help maintain a slow pace en mass. Without doing so the ride does scatter too far. So, i thought it really worked well last night. I loved the route. Ride on!

Joe Borfo
07.14.07 - 9:51 am


i gave up trying to lead when everyone missed the second park view turn and then some dude on a massive downhill mtn bike plowed into me and bent my rear wheel.

i thought the start was at the other pioneer chicken next to tangs!

07.14.07 - 10:12 am


-"i thought the start was at the other pioneer chicken next to tangs!"

oh shit, that sucks. Were you able to finish the ride?

pic stolen from rev. dak at the vegas convention ride - too cheer you up.

Joe Borfo
07.14.07 - 10:32 am


Awesome route, great energy and excellent vibe. Huge congrats to Studiodrone for a great route that took us freakin' everywhere! I enjoyed the brisk pace as well though I do hereby nickname the journey the Prohibition Ride because there seemed nary a liquor store along the way.

Thanks to Roadblock for sweet talkin' that LAPD officer into helping us out instead of beating us down and to Mr. Rollers for his spokecard expertise and to everyone else who led, corked, aided, etcetera.

And to think that at 9 p.m. I was on the couch and alllllmost not gonna roll. I would've hated myself had I missed it.

Agent Orange
07.14.07 - 10:38 am


it only took me about ten minutes to get from one pioneer chicken to the next.

this may not have been the biggest mr ride, but goddamn was it the loudest.

07.14.07 - 10:45 am


Good times y'all. I loved the faster pace. It was nice to get home before 3 a.m. too.

EXISTENTIAL BLUES! Goddamn someone remembers that song.

07.14.07 - 11:13 am


The tunnels were deafening, good shit. Three newbs (not new to bicycling though) went with me and had a blast. Well done to the organizers and all who dared to show on a Friday the 13th.

07.14.07 - 1:24 pm


very fun ride. congrats mr. studiodrome. really cool route! so fun. bummer about the weaving BMXer's who caused a couple crashes. I love seeing those guys doing jumps along the sidewalks it makes for a fun ride but when they just weave irradically without looking behind it causes crashes and injury. not sure how to bring them to our side....

the LAPD once again demonstrated that they were on our side by helping us through the city. much appreciated.

and to the "news" camera man who tried to get a rise out of people by telling us he wanted to film us crashing.... well, both myself and the police officer who heard him stepped to the side and mutually agreed that the media is a pack of liars and there was the ugly proof of it for all of us to see... a scumbag droid desperate for something to bring back to the newsroom. FUCK YOUR LIFE.

07.14.07 - 1:38 pm



Joe Borfo
07.14.07 - 1:42 pm


Television news is useless, I personally wouldn't extend that to all journalists but I absolutely despise Television "News".

07.14.07 - 2:04 pm


yes indeed another great one for the books. i saw the BMX'ers zig zagging thru the pack too. I thought it was super dangerous too but i should have said something before someone got hurt. Much props to the LAPD for supporting us and escorting us thru the city. FUCK THE NEWS!!!!!

Digablesoul - Al i didn't even see u the whole night bro!!

07.14.07 - 2:47 pm


this was my first MR ride [ i'm used to the sfv smaller critical mass ] and it was pretty awesome, and i just want to thank all the people that stopped and seriously helped me out with my chain issues / when i took that massive fall. [ i'm definitely alright, i thought it was hilarious, although i didn't go back to check on the car . my chain fell off when i shifted gears and i went straight into a parked car. i'm classy like that. )

but yeah you guys are awesome, thanks so much.

07.14.07 - 3:58 pm


Studiodrome, you have my appreciation for putting together an excellent route in a short amount of time. Nice spoke cards, too.

Roadblock, thank you for engaging with the LAPD dude in a calm, rational, and productive way. I'm sure it made all the difference. There were a lot of new Ridazz last night; I think most of them went home with a great experience. It made me remember my first time - the excitement of it all and how it began to change my life.

Yeah, there are a few people that need to work on their pack riding skills, but I think their faults are more out of inexperience and exuberance than maliciousness. Let's work out a strategy for bringing them into the fold.

mr rollers
07.14.07 - 4:05 pm


I've been out of the loop for a while. Tell me about this "lead rider" thing I read about above.

Mr. Raymond
07.14.07 - 4:27 pm


Mr. Raymond! long time no see... do I sense a La Noche de los Biciclistas Muertos ride II coming on? :)

07.14.07 - 6:31 pm


I'm definitely going to throw another ride before the end of the year. Possibly another La Noche ride. I don't know about doing t-shirts again though... If I do then I'm just gonna sell them the night of the ride instead of the pre-sale thing I had going on.

How big was the ride last night? I see you took it back to Pioneer Chicken.

Mr. Raymond
07.14.07 - 7:04 pm


Not to point fingers but this dude and his chick were one of the BMX'ers cuttin off people recklessly... i woulda ate it if i didn't lock up my brakes!

Not bitchin, just mind your surroundings a lil more guys

07.14.07 - 7:15 pm


Yo tbone... Yeah... I was up front in the beginning but stopped under the 6th st bridge to lend a pump to some people.

Man... another La Noche ride. That would be fun. That was a tough ride for me cause I wasn't used to all that riding. Both of my legs cramped right when we reached Echo Park. I'll never forget the pain. (lol.. I tried holding it in to not look like a dork). One of the most memorable rides. That made me want to get in shape.

Yeah... I like seeing the BMX guys doing their stuff but I've seen roadies/mtb zig zag too. And even though there are people that don't like to be told what to do... like staying on the right or getting out of the left turning lane ... we might have to remind the reckless... call out potholes/obstacles cause no one likes to hear, "Rider down!"

Oh... and that dude on the tall bike... hope you're feeling better...

07.14.07 - 10:45 pm


I wonder what magic spell made these kids fly...

Come to think of it... this is how I felt when I did my first Midnight Ridazz. Nothing like riding with others in a group. Kinda reminds me when I was small and rode w/ my best friend side by side down the street pretending we were CHiPs.

07.14.07 - 11:51 pm


This ride was amazing. Hope you all like the vid.

07.15.07 - 2:45 am


Nice work! I liked the way you caught the LAPD helping out.

07.15.07 - 10:22 am


Love that video! I hope it goes on the main page!

Joe Borfo
07.15.07 - 12:51 pm


Gears of War.... dont want to point to specific people cause, like rollers said, I dont think they are trying to be malicious. but yeah we should all be aware of those that are swerving..... it's real dangerous.

07.15.07 - 6:15 pm


what a great ride, i loved it. too bad my quads dont think so...

next time i wont drink all my water in the first 3 miles. :/

07.15.07 - 6:48 pm


i saw a guy on this ride that had those stretched out ear things with silver cinelli bar ends in them instead of plugs or whatever you want to call the aural accoutrement.

07.15.07 - 8:54 pm


first off, this was my first ride and it was awesome.

i saw two accidents that night and both involved bmx'rs. the 1st accident was probably the same chick youre referring to. the bmx chick tried to jump a curb but lost control and ate it. then later that night i saw a bmx'r cut off the guy on the double high bike (custom frame stacked on top of eachother). the guy on the double high didnt see the bmx'r coming on his left so he barely missed the bmx'r and lost control of his bike, falling several feet to the ground.

Bánh Mì
07.15.07 - 9:45 pm


Most of these incidents can be avoided once people understand how to ride in packs.

Unfortunately, a lot of new riders do not take the time to try to understand the mechanics behind group rides and thus, accidents happen due to their lack of experience.

The only thing that I can say is that swerving is one of the most dangerous things you can do while riding in a pack. All it takes is one tiny contact and you can quickly have a huge pile up. Hold your line, and let people know your intentions if you are in close quarters.

I really don't know what else to say. If you're riding with us to show off your tricks, I recommend you turn around and find an empty lot, because once you eat shit in the front of the pack, you have the ability to take scores of people down with you.

So not extreme.

07.15.07 - 10:41 pm


man, I wanted those fries.

Anyway, yeah, holding your line, very fucking important, but also, when changing your line, just like driving on the freeway, look before you do so. Especially on a Ridazz ride where we get people on ALL kinds of bikes. Custom modified bikes, sound trailers, beach cruisers etc. don't stop as well as a bmx or decent road bike.
Also, those of you riding brakeless fixies, on hills, going down, or anywhere where you can build up a lot of speed, keep an eye out to what's kind of behind you, throwing a skid is fun, especially when bombing down hill, but it tends to throw the bike to one side or the other quite a bit, make sure doing so is not going to throw part of your bike into another bike's stopping range, especially one of the more custom bikes mentioned above. Rather, control your speed with a little leg braking your fellow riders (and your tires) will thank you for it.

07.15.07 - 11:08 pm


A few more suggestions, if I may:

1. Hold your line
2. Hold your line
3. Hold your line
4. Hold your FUCKING LINE!

07.15.07 - 11:21 pm


Since the echo is ringing so loudly I'll add to it, hold your line. Also, Fuzz is right, check over your shoulder before swerving to get around someone else. I decided to gun it up one hill (only one) and had no less than five people cpmplete rather large swerves out onto the double yellow line I was straddling with nary a glance. Do they not think that anyone could possibly be faster than they are? Any time, any place, with any group, there is always someone faster than "you". Besides that, Ridazz is not a race, it's a ride. Sure, you may want to gun it once in a while on a stretch where it's safe to do so, but there's the caveat..."where it's safe to do so".

07.16.07 - 3:55 pm


awesomest ride i've been on in so long. I can't beleive how many people were there. thanks so much everyone for a good time.

07.16.07 - 4:06 pm


Great ride!! I really enjoyed the flow of the ride and where it took us.

Props to LAPD!!

Took 2 new peeps and they loved it.

See you guys next month.

07.16.07 - 7:23 pm


quickgin: awesome video and accompanying music!

07.16.07 - 8:51 pm


May I add.... another thing that bugs me other than holding lines...

Is that when someone drops something... let's say a light, water, or hat... AND JUST STOPS IN THE MIDDLE OF THE RIDE!! No pulling off to the right... just puts on the breaks and looks back. Scary to all of the sudden see somone standing in front of you.

07.17.07 - 2:36 pm


Some people need brake lights...

07.17.07 - 2:39 pm


Thanks to all for making this a great ride. The spoke cards are awesome, barely got my second one.

This was my 8th ride overall and one of my favorites.

I was scared to come on here thinking the cops had said something negative, but hey seems like they were helping, which is great!

Until the next one, keep riding, and holding your line

07.17.07 - 2:47 pm


Next time I'm ridin' this bike!

07.17.07 - 5:12 pm


with a cop/clown outfit - perfect!

Joe Borfo
07.17.07 - 5:41 pm


Thanks to everyone for showing up on the ride. Big thanks for all the lead riders and spoke card manufacturers. Special thanks to Rollers for donating his sweet pad to the cause. Thanks to Ashira for hanging back. Thanks to all the people who hooked me up with tons of freebies. Thanks to Borfo for going absolutely crazy on the ride.

07.18.07 - 1:59 pm


this was my first ride and I had an amazing time. Thank you for the wonderful experience. I can;t wait to go again

07.18.07 - 2:42 pm



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