anybody read bike snob nyc

Thread started by
robert stanfield at 01.24.08 - 12:01 pm

if you dont know what i'm talking about go to
this guy is so funny i shot tea out my nose this morning reading his
posts.he made me glad i never got that top tube pad for my fixed gear bike.dont worry tho,he makes fun of all kinds of riders.
i know PC reads his blog.hell PC is almost our own bike snob.
enjoy and have a good week
I love that blog. Essential reading.
cabhauler01.24.08 - 12:10 pm
i fall victim to many of this goobers criticisms, but that isnt why i hate him.
ruinedbyidiots01.24.08 - 12:17 pm
What's there to hate? Does he not like metal? He just wants people to not take themselves too seriously.
cabhauler01.24.08 - 12:23 pm
anonymity is weak. use your real name and youll get my respect.
ruinedbyidiots01.24.08 - 12:25 pm
Here's a handy tip for those of you who are considering becoming BSNYC readers: don't bother reading the comments. You'll save a lot of time that way. There are often over 100 comments per post, none of which are worth reading.
Bike Snob's commenters fall roughly into two groups: angry dull-normal teenagers upset about the Snob's mockery of fixed gear fashion; and Snob wannabes who make long, fawning posts in what they imagine to be a BSNYC-like style, presumably in the hopes that somebody will notice their wit and make them net.famous like the Snob himself. (The latter is the Internet equivalent of hanging around Psychobabble every day hoping to be discovered by some junior casting agent--it's just as futile, obvious, and sad.) So skip the comments and save your time and effort for something more productive, like arguing about CRANK MOB on
Dot com.
PC01.24.08 - 12:27 pm
"not take themselves too seriously."
Agreed, I mean...the guy rides a track bike......making fun of yourself is the greatest!!
Eric Hair01.24.08 - 12:29 pm
...especially, as PC points out, when everyone else takes you seriously
Eric Hair01.24.08 - 12:30 pm
PC if you had a blog i'd read that so funny.
taking the piss out of people is good and bsnyc does it so well.
and yes,all riders could take things less seriously.we're riding bikes after all.pretty fun last time i tried.
and PC lets team up for the tandem race.skinny LA harborites
need to stick together.i' have to find a bannana suit tho..........
robert stanfield01.24.08 - 1:59 pm
thats funny too.MR is full of smartasses.we should have a ride that goes around the city and stops to rag on people.roving fashon police or something.
robert stanfield01.24.08 - 2:14 pm
I didn't even go to Portugal. Next time, maybe.
PC01.24.08 - 2:15 pm
This "Robert Stanfield" shit ain't cutting it. You need a colorful and/or stupid nickname.
PC01.24.08 - 2:17 pm
"Robert Stanfield" is colorful and stupid.
just not as stupid as "PC"
spiraldemon01.24.08 - 2:47 pm
I don't think it's possible for there to be a name stupider than "PC."
PC01.24.08 - 2:48 pm

sorry about the lack of a cool handle .sexy was taken allready how about sleepypuppy ?
robert stanfield01.24.08 - 3:00 pm
I dub thee "Sushi Rob."
PC01.24.08 - 3:00 pm
that is pretty good my boy.short and to the point.i new i could count on you.hows the new nose?can you smell your own stink now?
robert stanfield01.24.08 - 3:07 pm
Today's scent is Piper Nigrum by Lorenzo Villoresi. I smell very minty and peppery, with a hint of tree sap. Later it will dry down to a sort of amber-y vanilla.
PC01.24.08 - 3:12 pm
He's farkin hilarious and his sarcasm, more often than not, is spot on. Love the regular updates on the coming Fixie-apocalypse.
Here's a great example of some of his writing, if any readers don't know who he is and what he talks about....
"Some time ago a reader alerted me to the fact that someone is making and selling wooden handlebars. While my request for an interview with the maker went unanswered, I’ve since seen them here and there on sites like Fixedgeargallery and Velospace, so presumably they’re out there. And while there are safer ways to achieve that flammable look on your bicycle, these bars give you two things a roll of wood-grain contact paper cannot—susceptibility to termites, and that thrilling feeling that your bars might splinter at any moment. Together with a brakeless bike, wooden bars will transport you to that next level of sublime uncertainty, and simply arriving at your destination with all your teeth will feel like a Tour de France stage win."
he he
0gravity01.24.08 - 11:30 pm
yeah that fucker cracks me up. i like to read his stuff, and i also read this other bloke who calls himself Fat Cyclist. The FredCast is sometimes interesting too.
ephemerae01.25.08 - 8:13 am
those wooden bars would go great on the bamboo calfee, yes?
ruinedbyidiots01.25.08 - 10:25 am
Hey richie, thanks for helping us avoid the fixocalypse ;-)...
420LaHaRR01.31.08 - 3:37 pm