Yeah Metro Sucks! but if it makes you feel better...when i got on the bus Saturday with my bike...the bus driver told me she hates bike riders and wished she could rip the bike rack off the front of the bus...gee....
MOM_RIDAZ42006.18.08 - 2:04 pm
metro, like our entire country, is run by money interests not by a will for the common good.... they are all turncoats. so it doesnt surprise me one bit that metro doesnt have a cohesive plan or presence when it comes to transportation issues and resources.... all that being said, bikemetro is hardly a website I would refer to anyone..... it's © is 2002 and for some reason it never works for me.
Roadblock06.18.08 - 2:16 pm
yet another reason we need to take up the slack and create BETTER RESOURCES for cyclists....
seanbonner online routes!!!!
ingipet06.18.08 - 2:19 pm
uh what?
Doesn't the city council run the city? So why wouldn't they be the people to ask? Metro just does what it's told (ie given budget) to do.
And it's not like Metro makes bike paths anyway.
stevestevesteve06.18.08 - 3:03 pm
If you need a route do some searches on or just ask here!
cabhauler06.18.08 - 3:30 pm