i agree after that i cut off the car on the right lane if safe to do so and i just take the lane from there. i agree it is completely useless.
Eddie GOpez04.6.08 - 4:48 pm
Dang... that's a short bike lane. I've seen places in L.A. where a bike lane sign is posted and no bike lane... mostly in the valley. Crazy shiet, good vid.
digablesoul04.6.08 - 4:55 pm
I remember finding on the internet somewhere, this site in england that documents england's most horrible bike lanes, one was less than 50 feet long...
Ahh, found it, click on the facility of the month link on the sidebar.
FuzzBeast04.6.08 - 5:02 pm
I know a stupider bike lane. West-bound Imperial Highway, from Main Street to Pershing in El Segundo.
There's a bike lane for about half the stretch between Main Street and Pershing. Then, it leads you up a curbcut, and you're on a bike path, separated from car traffic. So far, so good. Then-then, a bike lane re-appears on Imperial. But no curb cut. So there's no way to get there without hopping the curb. Not on my tires. And not on Imperial. I swear to you, someone scatters gravel in the night-time.
Meanwhile, the bike lane appears at the same place that a "right turn only" lane appears. So let's say I DO hop the curb. While I'm trying to navigate left into the bike lane, cars (going upwards of 50, by the way) are trying to navigate right. Tell me that they're going to see me on the bike path and think "That biker might hop the curb to get into that bike lane I see emerging in front of me," and I will smack you in the face.
Fortunately, the bike path continues around the bend, leads to another curb cut, and shoots you out north-bound on Pershing. So there's a way around even attempting to use the bike lane. But what a waste of time and resources.
katiepoche04.6.08 - 5:45 pm
I agree with you there! I have taken that route to reach the beach, since the closest Metro Rail stations to the beach are the Green Line trains.
Instead of going that route down Imperial (which is scary as hell - I watched "50MPH distracted SUV driver" come about TWO FEET over the line into the bike lane in front of me) I'll next try this from the Mariposa/Nash Green Line station:
West on Mariposa
North (Right) on Washington to Maple
West (Left) on Maple to Hillcrest
North (Right) on Hillcrest to sidewalk which connects to Imperial Highway
West (Left) on Imperial Highway to Dockweiller Beach
That appears to put you on the most tree-lined and plesant residential streets until you reach the sidewalk on Imperial. Much safer.
MikeyWalsh04.6.08 - 9:29 pm
Thanks for sending that along, MikeyWalsh. Your new route won't avoid it, though. It's the juncture of Imperial and Pershing that's the stupid part, and your route picks up right where the lame, unhelpful bike lane starts.
General west-bound-on-Imperial question: How do you cross Pershing? Is there a second curbcut at that intersection (not the one that shunts you north on Pershing, but one that will allow you to go straight)? For pedestrians? There must be, but I can't remember it. I'll look on the way home tomorrow.
katiepoche04.7.08 - 12:00 am
Ah. Yes. Sorry. You are correct. My solution doesn't help. I read your email more carefully and looked at the satellite-view on Google Maps and could see the bikelane you were talking about. My suggestion is in regard to heading west down Imperial Highway from around Aviation Boulevard to the beach. Has nothing to do with the Pershing intersection - which is where your issue is at.
Honestly, I'm not even positive my alternate route is actually an improvement. I haven't ridden it yet. I just checked the satellite images and it looks pretty good... Then again, I'm sure it's better. ANYTHING is better than the Imperial Highway bikelane. That thing was terrifying. Once was enough.
MikeyWalsh04.7.08 - 8:54 pm
Katie, you still working on Grand? why not take that to the beach?
alec04.7.08 - 11:10 pm
Eh, it doesn't help me navigate that particular corner, but now I know a couple more streets to take off Imperial. So thank you.
Speaking of, if you are looking for a rollercoaster, Imperial Avenue (which is just south of Imperial Highway) is a total carnival. It's so fun. Three short, steep hills, I think, between Pershing and Main that are a breeze to go up and crazy mad vertiginous fun on the way down.
katiepoche04.7.08 - 11:21 pm