LACM crash the Pascal talk
Thread started by
Alex Thompson at 06.27.08 - 12:20 pm
I made this suggestion on the Facebook event thread, but I thought I'd suggest it here. The Westside has raised the standard for the application of the term AWESOME far out of reach of the bland and sissyfied LACM. Taking this suggestion will perhaps take you one step down the road the Awesomville.
CRASH the Pascal van der Noort talk at the EcoVillage
Why should you do this? Three reasons:
1) Crashing things is a tradition at LACM. I remember crashing a restaurant opening at LACM waaay back. You should have seen how the prissy party goers looked at Big Bike Dan and the rest of us.
2) It will be awesome when there are hundreds of chanting fools in the street and the lectur attendees come out to a boisterous welcome.
3) Pascal van der Noort is well known in international biking circles (if there is such a thing.) If LACM does this word will get around about LA, and the velorucion within.
4) This will slow you guys down a bit so that, if VCM and LACM decide to meet up, LACM will be starting West right around when we get started East.
I can't be there, so this is the most persuasive I can be. Do it, it will be awesome if you do.
The Westside has raised the standard for the application of the term AWESOME far out of reach of the bland and sissyfied LACM
No sir, I will not hear such nonsense.
The last two CRANK Mobs I've been on have paled in comparison to the shrieking carnage that has become LACM.
When I shriek and hoot and hollar at CRANK Mob I get a few hoots, a few liquor store requests, but mostly laughing and staring at me.
When I do the same on LACM I am joined by a choir of fervent psychos belching forth an anguished bloodlust as we stalk the 4-wheeled beasts of the black plains.
Eric Hair06.27.08 - 12:52 pm
As far as stopping at a lecture, well, I have about the same response as stopping at a movie: if people want to do that, they should. Both the movie and the lecture sound pretty cool. Personally, however, I want a bike ride to be a bike ride.
And as far as the whole east/west thing, I don't understand what all you wessiders need to prove? I mean, get over your Napoleon complex already. Westside is cool; eastside is cool. The Valley is cool too. Riding is fun. Let's ride.
theroyalacademy06.27.08 - 1:09 pm
I'm suggesting show up outside, shout and yell and chant, and ride on.
I'm not suggesting y'all stop for the lecture.
Does that make sense Royal?
Alex Thompson06.27.08 - 1:14 pm
Aside from AT's propoganda, I like the idea. : P
Eric Hair06.27.08 - 1:17 pm
Yeah Royal - there's no way I'd do you dirty like that. I can't sit still for 10 minutes. CHANTING CHANTING. Mayhem.
I think y'all should chant GET A CAR until they come out. We scream that at people on Cub Camp, sometimeas adding a "scum!" on the end. Always leaves em perplexed.
Eric - it's Properganda, ala CICLE.
Alex Thompson06.27.08 - 1:24 pm
Properganda, served with tea* at high noon.
* - Biscuits optional.
Eric Hair06.27.08 - 1:28 pm
Annie - will you please heckle tonight? I'll smile at VCM if I know you're heckling at LACM. Please make use of the new cubbie phrasing "GET A CAR". You are top hecklebud!
Alex Thompson06.27.08 - 1:58 pm
i am not a part of this new generation of 'cubbies'. please do not feel free to associate me with a group that you are connected to.
i will hackle on my own behalf.
Down With Alex Thompson!!! Down With Knittenzzzz!
meandmybluebike06.27.08 - 2:18 pm
You don't want to see Annie get really angry.
Joe Borfo06.27.08 - 2:24 pm
Don't lie Annie, you love me. I told Borfo that you would heckle, and he said you would hackle, and I said "What?"
and this all happened before you wrote that! Right Borfo?
Alex Thompson06.27.08 - 2:46 pm
hack·le1 (hăk'əl) pronunciation
1. Any of the long, slender, often glossy feathers on the neck of a bird, especially a male domestic fowl.
2. hackles The erectile hairs along the back of the neck of an animal, especially of a dog.
1. A tuft of cock feathers trimming an artificial fishing fly.
2. A hackle fly.
Joe Borfo06.27.08 - 2:50 pm
I believe the correct phrase is "Get a car, hippie!"
If we want to get technical about it.
And we do.
theroyalacademy06.27.08 - 2:53 pm
yes, let's get technical, then physical.
the next time you peepee in my fruitloops, i will poopoo in your cocoa pebbles!
DOWN WITH ALEX THOMPSON! i will poopoo on you, tootoo!
meandmybluebike06.27.08 - 4:23 pm