Victim Valley/IE to S.H.A.N.K Mob
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bentstrider at 05.17.08 - 2:58 pm
Like that's going to happen.
If anyone in these two areas needs a lift, speak now, or forever hold your junk!!!
Can you bring me some crack? any corner dealer will do.
stevo405.17.08 - 4:12 pm
Actually Bent,
Did i ever write or tell you about the time i was working on a commercial in Victorville? We were shooting downtown and i was the production manager on the job and working out of a Pop out Motorhome/5th Wheel. At one point, this nice older, pregnant,mexican woman comes inside and in spanish, asks to see the Doctor. I don't speak or understand spanish but one of my co-workers did and asked what she was talking about. Turns out, she thought our motorhome was a mobile clinic and wanted to see the Doctor! It was very funny and the office crew started calling me Dr. Rood for the rest of the job.
stevo405.17.08 - 4:17 pm
I remember that little tale, and I still wouldn't surprised if that type of thing happened, myself.
But, I guess as far as assist goes in this area and the IE, it's either, "don't wanna", or "overtime at the wrongtime".
As for the crack, all the dealers tend to run when they hear my voice and notice my jumpsuited appearance.
And all I wanted were friends!!!!!!!
bentstrider05.17.08 - 5:37 pm