Rides worth hijacking.
Thread started by
bentstrider at 05.11.08 - 4:08 pm
As we all know from the countless commentary on the many threads here, hijacking a fun-lovin', cruise-chillin' MR-ride is tantamount to 50 lashes across the back, 30 days in the hole, five across the eyes,. etc
Apart from that, I'm calling out all hijackers and potential wannabe's for this question...
Have you ever thought about hijacking a ride that involved high-speed, lycra-sporting, carbon-fiber rig-jockeys?
I'm serious, if any ride's worth the trouble to hijack, it's better to aim towards something outside of the MR-spectrum.
A ride where hijacking would definitely involve having to hold your own against a fleet of roadies whose "buzz you've just blown".
Some will probably read only, some will probably give me the,
"Who do you think you are, Mr Big Stuff?" song and dance.
All I'm going to say is that this is just a thought that has been in the back of my head since "The Fetish Ride" in September '07.
I was there to climb up to Universal!!
Wouldn't it be funny to create a difficult ride for the masses and have the hijackers take it over and turn it into an easy, no-hills ride?
stevo405.11.08 - 5:32 pm
Now that would definitely be a chain to jerk.
As for that portion, I was part of the second half that stuck to the route.
One of my friends did go with the hijacked portion though.
He actually wanted to go through that area.
bentstrider05.11.08 - 5:50 pm