Uncle 'Arry says......
Thread started by
Limeyfly at 05.5.08 - 9:04 am
We give and we take that's the cycle of things.
Several of our breathren are taking time out of their lives to RIDE from San Fran to Los Angeles to raise dosh for the prevention and/or cure for AIDS. ONLY problem is it's only a few weeks left for them to raise the $2500 each they pledged for the cause.
We may not be burning up our legs for over 500 miles to do this but if we can all give even a few bucks we can have a good showing at the event of some of our MIDNIGHT RIDERS!!!
SO if you can aford a buck or two click on the link at the top of the page on the right and you can feel part of the team!!!
Good luck to all the men and women representing us!!
PS I think you can still buy a printed t-shirt from Roadblock - designs so good I bought ten!!
well worth it but check first available.
............ooops spell check!! afford....
..........if available!!
Limeyfly05.5.08 - 9:06 am
Well said, Harry! I am going to make an "at large" contribution to the team (I don't want to play favourites) so that it can be distributed to those that are most in need.
I realize we are of many different economic means, but every bit helps.
mr rollers05.5.08 - 9:27 am
And don't forget about our Bike Culture exhibit this Saturday night from 7p-12a, in conjunction with the Bike Oven and is part of the Spoke(n) Art ride this month.
Thanks for all the support!!!
Photographing LA Bike Culture
stevo405.5.08 - 10:44 am
I gotta admire how they rode their asses off getting ready for the big ride.
mk452405.6.08 - 8:45 pm
I'm really glad you rode with us and made it up those hills, you rock,
dannyzuko05.6.08 - 9:40 pm
thanks, buy you guyz need moneyz so you can ride for the Midnight Ridazz
mk452405.6.08 - 10:06 pm
'ncle 'arry rocks! you limey sod!
NEWB31005.7.08 - 12:10 am
No Uncle 'arry is a wanka, the guys and girls who are doing it, they're the ones who rock...... oh, and inspire!!!! Opening the wallet's the easier part!!!
Limeyfly05.7.08 - 1:44 am
Harry where was ya? I had your shirts for you at Wolfpack.
Roadblock05.7.08 - 1:52 am
see wolpack thread, what should I do to get shirts???
Limeyfly05.7.08 - 2:14 am
Let's try to get OUR RIDERS over their limits this friday.
We supply the fuel.....
they supply the legs!!!!
Limeyfly05.7.08 - 11:33 am