Zig Zag Wanderer...
Thread started by
toweliesbong at 03.19.08 - 6:48 pm
...kicks ass.
On a related note, remember, Creative Thing is maintaining a spoke card archive. You may not think it's important now but when you're 156 years old and the apocalypse has destroyed all spoke cards except for CT's carefully documented and stored archive and you want to show your great-great-great-great-grandpuppies the fun you had when you were their age, you're going to wish you had given your spare spokecards to CT:
Creative Thing
4921 Lemon Avenue
Cypress CA 90630
I've got spares from the following rides:
2007 All City Toy Ride - NELA Versions (2 different vers.)
Post Apocalypic Ride - San Diego
Ride to Nowhere - Salton Sea Trip
UFO Ride
3/25/07 - Happy Birthday Dingo
3/25/07 - Happy Birthday Josef
3/25/07 - Bon voyage Jessica
Safety Ride 2
the reverend dak03.19.08 - 8:01 pm
I sent my spares to Leslie a few months back and haven't regretted it for a moment.
mr rollers03.19.08 - 8:24 pm
Thanks for the props, guys.
I know there will never be a comprehensive collection of spoke cards (too many rides happening too fast), but I am documenting everything that comes to me.
I have collected about 50 cards so far.
Creative Thing03.20.08 - 8:08 am
i'm looking for the S&S b4 the 1 YR Anniversary. The one with Meiko on it. I lost most of my cards and would really love to get a spare if some1 has one.
jchungerford03.20.08 - 10:28 am
Jared, I will be scouting S&S route with Charlie tonight so I will find out who designed them up and see if there is a way to get you one.
DeKadenzy03.20.08 - 10:37 am
thx louis. can't wait to party with the S&S crew on friday.
jchungerford03.20.08 - 10:38 am
They could be stored in that cave in Norway where all the world's plant seeds are being stored.
0gravity03.20.08 - 10:39 am