irvine critical mass
Thread started by
moonpie at 05.23.07 - 11:23 am
It's coming to be the last friday of the month, and so, we rock it like we do each month... on bikes. Come join Irvine's revitalized critical mass. You ponder, "what is critical mass?" Well, it's a monthly event where people who like bikes and biking have what is known as a jolly-good-time going around town. It's fairly slow, so you don't need to be an avid biker to keep up. And now we have a bike mounted ghettoblaster to accompany us! We meet at 6pm (and leave by 6:30pm) at the administration building flagpoles the last friday of each month. Last month we had our largest ride yet--around thirty people. Help spread the word and tell your bike minded buddies!
To summarize:
why? bikes are mega rad times ten
when? last Friday of the month, 6pm we meet up and leave sometime before 6:30
where? admin building flagpoles
for reminders, check out the facebook group ( or our google group page (