now attach a set of speakers and you've got the full solution.
indigis07.3.08 - 9:24 am
It'd also be cooler with suspension forks to keep the beer from getting all frothy
ideasculptor07.3.08 - 9:25 am
It'd also be cooler with suspension forks to keep the beer from getting all frothy
07.3.08 - 12:25 pm
i think tom is working on this.
HANDBONE07.3.08 - 9:26 am
of course, upon closer inspection, it appears that they are suspension forks.
Really wish MR had edit functionality.
ideasculptor07.3.08 - 9:26 am
how long do the heineken mini kegs stay fresh for? can they be refilled?
barleye07.3.08 - 9:54 am
They can be refilled, but they don't carry enough beer. That thing in the photo is quite a bit bigger than those 1.25 gallon mini kegs.
ideasculptor07.3.08 - 11:34 am

Ha! I tried this about two years ago with my B.O.B. Ibex trailer (the one with suspension). Sadly, kegs are just a tad too wide to fit in between the side rails and I never got around to building some kinda wood frame or platform to bypass the issue.
Would a gently road-shaken keg mean that one wouldn't have to pump it as frequently or just make it frothier?
two wheels good07.3.08 - 4:13 pm