"Cycling Hits Rock Bottom"
Thread started by
trickmilla at 07.2.08 - 1:18 pm
TOUR d' FRANCE Pre-coverage.
They should look to us for an example how to keep cycling fun.
Take the competition out of cycling and doping is not only necessary it only done for fun. Everybody wins!
TdF Ridazz?
it only hit rock bottom in NBC's mind because the american Floyd Landis was de throned.
Roadblock07.2.08 - 2:40 pm
^^^^ Definitely written with an American perspective. The TdF is as popular as ever to cycling fans. Like any other sport there will people join the bandwagon because of the personalities, but the true cycling fans will always be there.
sc_nomad07.2.08 - 2:57 pm
This just in:
Journalism Hits Rock Bottom. Readers site boring stories, and manipulation by Bush & Co. as main factors.
kyber07.2.08 - 3:00 pm
Yeah, I realized that after I posted it. Unfortunately there is no edit function on this forum.
I do know the difference between cite and site. And also sight!
kyber07.2.08 - 3:04 pm
That NBC article is lame.
I just finished reading
an article about the Slipstream-Chipotle team in this month's competitor magazine, that has a much more informed and international perspective on the state of the TDF.
Speaking of Le Tour? Where can we catch some live coverage? Will Jesse Bearclaw be screening it again this year? Anywhere closer than Pasadena? Please don't make me watch those lame Versus recaps on the internet again this year. I guess there's always CBS on Sunday for those of us still rocking rabbit ears.
two wheels good07.2.08 - 3:25 pm
Taix in Echo Park @ Sunset/Park plays TDF.
kyber07.2.08 - 3:27 pm
Yeah, Americans only care about the Tour because that's the only race Lance cared about.
Stage racing is blah for me, the one-day classics are more fun. Spring is over, though. I'll stick to watching Paris-Roubaix videos on YouTube.
cabhauler07.2.08 - 3:49 pm
I prefer watching things go fast in a circle, like bicycle things. What other professional sport can you go to an international, olympic qualifier and have front row seats, on the 200m line for 20 bucks?
FuzzBeast07.2.08 - 4:02 pm
You know, it irks me how people react to doping in cycling. People have been using all sorts of performance enhancers in cycling since cycling was invented, be it alcohol, cocaine, ether, testosterone, or any number of other chemicals or combinations thereof, it isn't new. It's only a scandal since they started testing for it.
Funny enough, no matter how many cyclists dope, there are always great ones, like Lance or some of the great six day racers, who excelled, clean, in a field of doping competitors.
FuzzBeast07.2.08 - 5:57 pm
I saw this great documentary on steroids:
Bigger Stronger Faster Cycling factors in a bit.
They showed an olympic cyclist who sleeps in a pressurized chamber to change his blood in ways that are similar to training in high altitudes. Basically talking baout ways to manipulate the body without drugs.
They also talked about how the Russian olympic coach who let slip about his athletes use of dope and the american team quickly responded with developing a better drug before the next olympics.
trickmilla07.2.08 - 6:44 pm
and pretty much EVERYBODY in pro body building and power-lifting dope. As did our Gubinator.
trickmilla07.2.08 - 6:46 pm
i downloaded the stages from demonoid last year. you can do the whole 7 hour thing, or the 90 minute update. but its illegal.
ruinedbyidiots07.2.08 - 7:07 pm
Thanks kyber. Been meaning to go to Taix for almost as long as they've been in business.
Excellent tip RBI. Might be easier than dragging my ass to Echo Park.
I hate Versus. How can a network be cool enough to show road and dirt bike racing then follow it up with the slaughter of animals for sport? Fail.
two wheels good07.2.08 - 10:24 pm