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Coe coe buttaa at 06.30.08 - 3:52 pm
Tinycities and I are going to ride to the beach today.. if your free come with us!
Were meeting at the Jamba Juice on Santa Monica Blvd. and Sepulveda at 5:30... ride at 6.
Come and chilll on the sand :)
that sounds great but i'm all the way in the valley.
ben dangel06.30.08 - 4:01 pm
graham, so am i, im driving down there since i have to do shit there later, if you want to come i can prob pick you up.
tinycities06.30.08 - 4:02 pm
Hey, I don't get off work downtown 'til a little later but maybe I can meet up with you guys at the beach since that's where home is for me anyways
Undercover Bob06.30.08 - 4:10 pm
You all have front and rear blinky lights i'm sure. Right? Wouldn't want you to get stopped by the SMPD on your way to a beautiful sunset and Blue Dolphins on the Ferris wheel.
stevo406.30.08 - 4:50 pm
of course of course! we are safe bikers. i'm even breaking out the helmet because i dont want to die.
tinycities06.30.08 - 4:56 pm
don't look too long though, LED lights seep into yer eyelids and melt yer brain after a while.
Lady Hand Jams06.30.08 - 4:58 pm
yaaaay! shelly wears helmet this time! I won't be lone helmet geek!
Undercover Bob06.30.08 - 5:02 pm

totally my helmet. its bright silver IT BLINDS.
also. this ride is dedicated to Franz Kafka, also known as the reincarnation of Clark Gable also known as my feline boyfriend. he leaves me tomorrow when my roommate moves out. i am bummed.
tinycities06.30.08 - 5:16 pm
Hey, at least you won't have to witness the completion of his metamorphosis into a cockroach!
Undercover Bob06.30.08 - 5:21 pm
eh, hes already completely evolved into a dog that cleans itself. he fetches. he also tries to strangle me when im sleeping by making bisccts on my neck.
tinycities06.30.08 - 5:23 pm
hmmm sounds like cockroach behavior to me. Have you seen Wall E?
Undercover Bob06.30.08 - 5:34 pm
something fucked up with my chain/etc when we were going back and my chain would fall everytime i switched so i had to bike back on one gear. it sucked. a lot. i have to get it looked at sometime today.
tinycities07.1.08 - 11:02 am
sounds like your derailer needs tuning. Shouldn't be too big of a deal. That's a pretty solid bike ;-)
Undercover Bob07.1.08 - 11:07 am