tomatoes is lost
Thread started by
tomato at 06.29.08 - 1:27 am
We are here camping in deep creek (apple valley)and tomatoes never made it to the creek with us today when we hiked down. We thought he would stay at camp or come back but he's still not back. Cops will search in the morning but we are hoping he will show up. Because it's tomatoes, we believe he is doing his thing but because it's dark and there snakes,we are really worried.
Reception here sucks and he's not answering his phone
I hope he is okay
shouldn't that be: tomatoes BE lost?
tsaalman06.29.08 - 9:13 am
He tends to do this sort of thing a lot. I wouldn't worry too much. He's a pretty smart guy. He probably has enough water. But be sure to kick his ass for me when he finally shows up.
Joe Borfo06.29.08 - 10:25 am
Our good friend and Icon of this community Tomatoes, turned up fine, healthy and in good spirits this morning around 8:15. He averted a major search party; (helicopters, sheriffs and such) kept, healthy off of 3 warm Tecates and his little blue towel.
onyurmark06.29.08 - 12:48 pm
Always bring a towel. The answer is 42.
stillline06.29.08 - 2:04 pm
Yeah it was a crazy night. Tomatoes tends to do these sort of things but at a certain point we realized he definitely was lost or injured. We hadn't seen him since 11am, and and around midnight we decided that we had to call the sheriff. We knew he had no flashlight, water, or warm clothes, just some tecates, the shorts and t-shirt he was wearing, his ipod, and a towel. He ended up wandering the desert hills trying to find our camp and getting progressively further and a further. When it got dark, he went to sleep on a dirt road hoping someone would drive by. Finally in the morning someone did and took him to town where he was able to get a cab to take him back to camp. When he got to camp the Search and Rescue team was just gearing up to go looking for him. We're glad you made it back safe and sound tomatoes.
brassknuckle06.29.08 - 2:41 pm
Now Officially +*CORE ELITE*+
richtotheie06.29.08 - 3:05 pm
Now when Tomatoes says something you reply, "GET LOST!!!" and then slap your thigh. Glad he got back! Worrysome sleepy night, last.
neverclever06.29.08 - 3:47 pm
Tomatoes has come back a new person. Well, not really, but we're glad he's back.
Wonderdave06.29.08 - 5:54 pm
See what happens when I leave the desert in the hands of some rowdy ridazz!??!?!?!?
I'm the only coot who knows the vast stretches and underbellies of this 10,000+square mile enclave known as San Berdumbshit County!!
Glad the dudes alright, just drink plenty of water and don't fall into any brushes.
Don't want to crash a snake party now!!
bentstrider06.29.08 - 8:15 pm
the only thing that gave me a little comfort was that it was not freezing that night... still- no flashlight, water, basically no clothes and snakes around - had me really worred. could have been really bad.. glad we all made it back ok (group1)
Kakihara06.29.08 - 9:46 pm
tomatoes is a cocksucking douche.
and an attention wore.
he made everybody worry about his stupid, drunk ass.
fuck that guy!
spiraldemon06.29.08 - 10:18 pm
Did you tell search and rescue it was his birthday? Thank god he didn't die, he still has a pair of my spandex pants.
franz06.30.08 - 1:56 am
i love tomatoes and i'm so glad he came back to us safely.
tomato06.30.08 - 8:38 am
But we still had a great time. We had a beautiful camp site and stayed down at the hot springs all day....had so much fun hanging out with everyone around the campfire.
Wonderdave06.30.08 - 9:13 am