The FEED Zone!

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GarySe7en at 06.27.08 - 3:04 pm
I'm signed up my first road race long enough to have a feed zone next month, and I was wondering if anyone on here with experience bike racing knows exactly how feed zones work or any tips about it, or road racing in general. All the official documentation and websites for these races are pretty bare minimum of their description of things which makes it a little tough for a newb figuring things out for the first time.

Three things about feed zones and feeding in road races.
One; for the length of the races we do as armatures most of the time you can get away without a feed. For these shorter road races you are most likely only going to grab a second water bottle not actually food. Anyone who thinks the difference of just carrying that bottle from the beginning of the race is going to coast them the win probably was not going to win anyway.
Two; Feed zones are dangerous. Especially on the right side of the road where the feeds happen and especially in cat 4 and 5 races. Skip the feed and stay as close to the centerline as you can.
Three; I’ve done sixty and eighty miles races without a feed. For this length I will put a third water bottle in my jersey pocket. Just hydrate well the night before and the morning of the race. If you must feed practice the hand off with the person who is going to do it.
By the way which race are you doing? Sisquoc?
wise06.27.08 - 8:47 pm
A feed zone is the place you get fed. Normally you get a friend to hand you water/liquids or food in a designated area. For the most part, the feed zone is a neutral part of the course and no one should be attacking.
While there is a technique to handing water bottles, it is more beneficial to agree to a location in the feed zone. The feed zone might be about a 100 yards so knowing where to expect a feed helps. There is also neutral feed, where volunteers will feed anybody. Also if you find yourself in a pinch, someone will have extras.
sc_nomad06.27.08 - 10:02 pm
Thanks for the tips. It is the upcoming Sisquoc race that I'm doing. Maulie (Meghan) is going to be at the feed zone for me, and considering the length for cat 5 I think I'm probably just going to do a water bottle swap on the last lap.
GarySe7en06.30.08 - 3:06 pm