Good News Steven!
Your buddies at
Exxon got a HUGE break from Supreme Dorks uh, i mean uh the Supreme Court, with a
90% discount off of their $5,000,000,000 fine for the
Exxon Valdez spill in 1983.
That right ... Exxon gave away free oil (10.8 million gallons of it) to the creatures of the Alaskan sea and they were going to have to pay fines and restitution for all the whiners that weren't happy about this free give away.
Sure some residents weren't appreciative of this free gift (see picture) but is that Exxon's fault.
Man I am so fucking happy I want to cry!
Its time to celebrate! Lets drive to Alaska rollin on Exxon the whole way! Anybody got a hummer(s) we can use?
Drill Drill Drill! Drive Drive Drive!
trickmilla06.26.08 - 11:17 am