Legal action for dogs attacking cyclists?
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gohomedorothy at 06.24.08 - 6:15 pm
does anyone know if there are an legal actions or policies we can find for owners of dogs who let their dogs chase after cyclists and don't do anything about it? i got a call about this at the office....
I think if you kick them, that counts as "action" right?
Nah seriously - you know what works really well?
If you're on top of you game and you see dog nearby, slow down and don't make eye contact.
If the dog rushes you, gently slow down, then look that fucker right in the face and make a LOUD deep barking sound (like everyone did for Arsenio Hall, but way more agressive). Then laugh your ass off when the dog cowers and runs away. That has only backfired on me once.
Or blike iggycortes - run the fuckers over with your fixie.
ubrayj0206.24.08 - 6:37 pm
Pepper Spray / Bear Spray is legal to use in self defense, and will usually chill a dog right out.
If you are being chased/attacked, that is a violation, you can call animal control to report it.
JB06.24.08 - 7:37 pm
almost every other night, i get chased by several different dogs in marino's area. i think he did this to me on purpose.
but my solution: haul ass and be prepared to kick the little bastard in the schnauze!
meandmybluebike06.24.08 - 7:39 pm
If you do need to defend yourself from a dog, put the bike in between yourself and the dog, and start screaming at it. Dogs have this instinct to just run and chase moving things, if you stop and confront them and you can make yourself seem less like running prey and more like a large thing that could fuck the dog up, it will probably run away.
If you do get attacked, yeah, contact animal control, you may have to go to court and shit, but you can be compensated for damages from a dog attack.
FuzzBeast06.24.08 - 10:34 pm
If you know where said dog resides, call animal control. Not that big thangs will go down, but it's a start, no?
When dogs chase me, I haul arse. That's what I get for being so damn tasty.
NEWB31006.25.08 - 12:28 pm
thanks guys! i'll forward on the messages (well, the ones that make sense)
gohomedorothy06.26.08 - 11:17 am
Consider it interval training. Kick it up to 98% and hold it until the dog is left way behind.
0gravity06.26.08 - 11:31 am
If you do need to defend yourself from a dog, put the bike in between yourself and the dog, and start screaming at it.
This also works on humans. Ask me how I know.
kyber06.26.08 - 11:33 am