Stop riding peoples bikes without permission

Thread started by
brassknuckle at 06.24.08 - 1:13 pm
I'm getting really annoyed at this and I can't figure out why people think it's okay to take someone's bike for a spin without their permission. At brunch sunday someone busted my back wheel on my tallbike and didn't bother telling me. Yesterday I went to ride it and found broken spokes and the reflector laying on the ground in a spot where it didn't just fall off the bike. I never even gave anyone permission to ride the bike. This isn't the first time it's happened. My tallbike has been broken on other occasions at rides when people decide to take it without permission. If i give you permission, go ahead and break it. I know that's a possibility when someone rides it. But do do it without asking. And this hasn't just happened with my bike. On the last barchopz, while in the bar, someone decided to take my girlfriends bike for a ride without asking and broke the steertube on it. When we came out the bar, he was hesitant to even fess up, and when she confronted him about it he yelled at her telling her she was disrespecting him. So if any of you think it's okay to ride someone's bike, don't. I hate the fact that i feel like i need to lock my bike up at stops during rides.
That is annoying, but unfortunately freak bikes do attract a lot of attention.
I'd just lock the rear wheel if you want to keep people off it.
kyber06.24.08 - 1:15 pm
i hate having to carry a lock on big rides. it's just added weight. i carry enough weight on my body already and climbing up that thing gets tiring.
brassknuckle06.24.08 - 1:17 pm
has anyone owned up to breaking your wheel? what kind of people are you inviting into your home if nobody is willing take responsibility for your bike?
spiraldemon06.24.08 - 1:18 pm
Dude... riding people's bikes without permission is a no no.
boogalooSHRIMP06.24.08 - 1:21 pm
well Jeff, you were here. Did you break it?
It's not that big of a deal. I already fixed it no problem. I'm just annoyed that people are doing shit like that. I guess you're right brendan. I'm just gonna start locking up my bike.
brassknuckle06.24.08 - 1:22 pm
yeah, I'm sorry for breaking your bike.
I thought I got away with it
spiraldemon06.24.08 - 1:23 pm
because we love you spiral, you shall be forgiven. but joking aside guys, don't take bikes without permission. i get this feeling that most of you wouldn't do that to someone's car if the keys were sitting in it, so why do you think it's okay to take a bike. Even if you know me or I've let you ride the bike before, don't do it without asking me.
brassknuckle06.24.08 - 1:26 pm
I thought I saw Javi riding it while I was there....
kyber06.24.08 - 1:27 pm
Yeah WTF Dan!? People at C.R.A.N.K MOB, someone broke the lite on my Tallbike when they rode it without permission. Lucky for them they got me a Tall can of 211 before it was too late! To their credit they did offer cash tho... That was fair
tallcans4tallbikes06.24.08 - 1:29 pm
someone broke the steertube on my former tall bike at a party at ridgeway, people just can't seem to stay away from tall bikes. Just ask.
franz06.24.08 - 1:30 pm
Franz, that was me.
I did it because I hate you. It was the same reason that I've kicked you in the stomach, and elbowed you in the kidneys.
kyber06.24.08 - 1:37 pm
You also elbowed me in the spine.
franz06.24.08 - 1:46 pm
no franz, it was me. it's the same reason i punched you in the neck.
brassknuckle06.24.08 - 1:47 pm
I'm surprised Franz is not crippled with all the beatings he's taken from different Ridazz
spiraldemon06.24.08 - 1:49 pm
Hitting franz is amusing, he makes funny noises.
kyber06.24.08 - 1:49 pm
Never touch another mans woman, his tools or his tall bike...EVER
stillline06.24.08 - 1:50 pm
Sure I was there. You were too high to remember.
kyber06.24.08 - 1:52 pm
oh yeah, kyber! thanks for the reminder.
you were one of the girls I made out with
spiraldemon06.24.08 - 1:53 pm
You can touch my tall bike, my tools, and my women just don't break them... without replacing with something equivalent or better.
franz06.24.08 - 1:54 pm
Get back to work. Leave the interneting to the unemployed.
kyber06.24.08 - 1:54 pm
I got confused after seeing the bearded lady at the carnival. I thought I brought her back to the party, but it WAS you!
spiraldemon06.24.08 - 1:55 pm
yeah, you're right.
I should do some work.
or at least look busy
spiraldemon06.24.08 - 1:56 pm
Or at least get me a job.
kyber06.24.08 - 1:57 pm
User1 wants this forum to be a god free zone.
kyber06.24.08 - 2:01 pm
"it's easier to ask for forgiveness than permission"
Nathan Mayer von Rothschild 1798
obviously Mr. Rothschild never had a tall bike...
asparagus06.24.08 - 2:07 pm
I'm not sure I'd ride it even with permission - those tall bikes frighten me! It's not so much that I'm scared of heights, but I'm scared of falling.
Seriously though, I didn't see anybody riding it during the time I was there.
mr rollers06.24.08 - 2:09 pm
not on topic [ so im sorry and also sorry someone abused your bike! ]
but Dan, i emailed you and i was wondering if you got it? i didn't know if i had the email address correct.
tinycities06.24.08 - 2:10 pm
i don't know if i got your email. Shoot me another one. i'm kinda spacey and forget shit. my email addy is in my profiel.
brassknuckle06.24.08 - 2:21 pm
done and done. good luck with your bike.
tinycities06.24.08 - 2:29 pm
Dan, I thought your tallbike was in the Jig the whole time on Sunday, or is that your new one?
Anyway, yeah, riding people's bikes without permission is Not Cool.
That's why you need to build freak bikes that people other than you just plain cannot ride. Like Choppette.
FuzzBeast06.24.08 - 3:44 pm
similarly, if someone has leaned their bike against yours (and everyone elses) at a stop, please don't just give it the HULK treatment and fling it to the ground so you can get to your own bike.
Move it over and grab your bike. Or lean it against your body and grab your bike. Or ask someone to hold it while you grab your bike.
Funny, I thought this stuff whent without saying after about 4th grade. HULK SMASH!!
Eric Hair06.24.08 - 3:49 pm
Well, if God helps those who help themselves,
Then by-God I'm going to help myself to some goodies right about now!!!
bentstrider06.24.08 - 11:51 pm