Yeah, I read this yesterday in the treeware edition. Some of it makes some sense, but a lot of it seems like a re-hash of what's been appearing in the Times for a while now. Still, good to see bikes as transportation getting attention.
I had a little chuckle over this section though: "Midnight rides, many organized spontaneously and sometimes willing to be disruptive to lay claim to the streets, have become a monthly occurrence in some neighborhoods throughout Los Angeles."
mr rollers06.16.08 - 12:01 pm
Is it just me or have they been publishing the same article for a few years?
kyber06.16.08 - 12:16 pm
Yet another sign that the masses in this country are finally warming up to the idea of the bike as transportation.
cabhauler06.16.08 - 1:16 pm
just got back from meeting with bob gottlieb and others about an upcoming BIKE SUMMIT....
looking for a common agenda so that we can leverage our collective power and see some real improvements here in L.A.
live the dream!!
ingipet06.16.08 - 3:18 pm
it will be for EVERYONE in the BIKE COMMUNITY!
that's right.
We all have a place at the table and are part of a larger network of people wanting to see some serious bikeability improvements here in L.A.. This BIKE SUMMIT will be a chance for us to better connect together as a political force and leverage our power and will.
A common agenda can and and must be found.
The Urban Environmental Policy Institute (at Occidental College) has just begun to plan how this BIKE SUMMIT can be a reality (hopefully for the fall...)
anyone can talk to me/ask me questions about this as it grows. Lots of other people are involved and more help is always needed.
ingipet06.16.08 - 4:34 pm
here is a link to their homepage, which will definitely have more info down the road as it grows....
UEPI at Oxy
ingipet06.16.08 - 4:35 pm
i hope it happens in FALL, but the planning is literally just beginning!
i had a great time at the meeting's tempting to be hopeful again.....livin the dream!
ingipet06.16.08 - 4:36 pm
there is a lot of work to be done to organize this thing and definitely more outreach will be done in the coming months!!!
ingipet06.18.08 - 10:01 am