Den Dinner
Thread started by
brassknuckle at 05.22.08 - 3:39 pm
Has den dinner disappeared? Didn't it used to be every other week? If so, the next den dinner should be next week May 28. Anyone hosting?
Also, since the summer is starting to arrive, we could do a summer run of den dinner bbq's. Just a thought.
yah, there was a 5th wednesday last month which screwed up the schedule,
from my understanding the schedule is....
Den Dinner = 1st and 3rd wednesday
BRW movie night = 2nd & 4th wednesday
5th wednesday (when applicable) = something special
e-rock05.22.08 - 4:12 pm
why not just do every other week. i never know the date and it's such a pain to figure out which weds it is in the month. It's a lot easier to remember every other week.
brassknuckle05.22.08 - 4:14 pm
yes a calendar helps but it's easy to remember if there was a den dinner last week. I don't need to look at a calendar for that.
brassknuckle05.22.08 - 4:26 pm
i wonder how Dan ever makes it to any monthly rides not knowing what week of the month it is.
onethirtynine05.22.08 - 4:29 pm
okay okay. 1st and 3rd or 2nd and 4th
Rockintothrice is offering up cajun at her house in 2 weeks.
brassknuckle05.22.08 - 5:00 pm