Thread started by
parlorbikes at 10.29.08 - 12:58 pm

Veulta pista wheelset MSRP:$299.99
I have seen these as low as $249.99 online + shipping.
FIX/FIX NEW never used.
Asking $225
To make these work on your bike you will need:
I have some cogs and some lockrings if you want to shop when you pick them up.
I am located in NOHO hear the Metro.
Come and get them.
Installation if needed!!!!
parlorbikes10.30.08 - 1:39 pm
is the wheel set the same color as the pic?
tallcans said 818 BIKE POLO!!!
tim-eat10.30.08 - 2:42 pm
Yo Ridazz I don't often endorse 'for sale' stuff but a fixed/fixed wheel at this price is swell. A double sided fixed wheel is the only fixed wheel I recommend purchasing cuz if you do it right you can have polo gearing, as well as street gearing ON THE SAME BIKE
tallcans4tallbikes10.30.08 - 2:47 pm

YES same as the pic, brand new.
Great rear wheel for a polo bike as TC's remarked.
ride to POLO
turn wheel around
turn wheel around
ride to BEER
parlorbikes10.30.08 - 3:00 pm
i think you found a buyer.
email me at>>>
tim-eat10.30.08 - 5:21 pm
duz u mean
"818 B team B fillin up"?
how does u do teh differunt lengths chains wehn u flips teh weel? kitteh haz awl bicyz delibered by dog chariot of slave dogs, so iz onlee matta of curiosity
Knittens10.30.08 - 7:09 pm
OMG KNITTENZ is talking to ME!
First, the 818 Polo Franchise has rosters deeper than the Pacific Ocean. The A team, despite some player tampering, is a very potent blend of high flying, Showtime Lakers era Offense, backed up by the best goalie in the city. The 818 'B' team is sorta like the Tampa Bay Rays, in that its players are exceptionally talented rookies, all High First round draft picks, their most serious competition are the few teams at least as talented, only more experienced. The C team is a short list but more on that later. Tim-Eat is on the B team.
Secondly, if you want to do a double sided wheel, with one chain, start with the smaller of the two cogs, and cut a chain long enough so that the smaller cog rests as close to the edge of the dropouts as possible. By edge I mean the open side where the axle slips in. Then go find the biggest cog you can that will fit on the other side and cut the chain. Tire size can play a role in how much of a disparity between the two cogs you can have. I use a 48x18 for the street, and flip it to 21 when I take the polo grounds.
tallcans4tallbikes10.30.08 - 7:35 pm
OMG KNITTENZ is talking to ME!
iz lyke voices in ur head
uther peeple may fink u r loco crazeee
but really u iz getteng teh straight skinny from upstairs
so u use teh extraz spacez in teh dropouts. dis mai earlier suspicion.
awl mai bicyz use rubbered bands. eye use big red rubber bands 4 teh bicyz on teh streets n hills n 405s. eye use skinnee blak bands 4 pwning 818 in teh bicyz polo.
Knittens10.30.08 - 7:53 pm
either way "lets motherfuck Eli (aka spider man) seein as he towers over most rooks in seniority!!!!Fuckin c team? well if it doesn't hinder yer game so much...put him the fuck in!!!!! call him @8184548200
lest you think he's a piece of shit and should refrain/break his perfect attendance!!!!!
NOISEPOCKET10.31.08 - 4:43 pm
A, B, or C don't matter, its not a ranking system, we just got so many players but can only have 3 at a time, how else am I supposed to tell 'em apart. He was awarded a free mallet on merit 2 weeks ago... Eli is on the B Squad, but we got so many prospects he's gonna have to work to stay there.
tallcans4tallbikes10.31.08 - 5:02 pm
well he has no idea of it....fill him in...he's at work 818.785.5135
NOISEPOCKET10.31.08 - 5:04 pm
A-Team: David, Joker, and Too Short
B-team: Mark, Tim, and Eli
C-Team: Kyle, Vadim, ????
I have a feeling Vadim could step up, but we'll see
tallcans4tallbikes10.31.08 - 5:07 pm