Godamn the U.S.A.! No skirt guards for sale!
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ubrayj02 at 07.16.08 - 3:03 pm
Does anyone know where I can find some skirt/dress/coat guards for a bicycle in the country?
I dug around the webs for a long time, and nobody seems to sell these accessories! Argh!
In german, I believe the name is: Mantelschoner
In dutch it's "Jasbeschermer".
In the U.S., it's "Duuuuuuuuh."
Come on U.S. of A. where the the hell are the skirt guards! I need to wear mah kilt/kirta pajama when I ride, and y'all are cramping my style.
love it or leave it!
oh, do you mean chain guards?
kurtz07.16.08 - 3:10 pm
Josef is trying to add some weight to his dutch bike.
He's worried the wind will blow it away.
I see many girls with skirts on rides and no dress guards over the rear wheel.
You could make it your self...
marino07.16.08 - 3:15 pm
I am so sick of that fucking DIY skirt guard link Marino.
That is the only thing that came up when I Google searched.
I had to get all crazy - that's why I know the german and dutch words for REAR WHEEL COAT/DRESS GUARDS (not a fucking chain guard, God I hate this nation sometimes why was I born here this is bush's fault)
ubrayj0207.16.08 - 3:17 pm
Electra makes one for their "amsterdam" bike.
barleye07.16.08 - 3:23 pm
For letting everybody know that you are a Europhile, and are thus sophisticated and open-minded. Plus a pinch of genteel archaism.
Kind of like driving an older Volvo.
PC07.16.08 - 3:23 pm
If you wear one of these, then you need a coat guard.
Jeebus you people are dense. I need these or I will die!!! AAAAAAAGGGGGGHHH!
ubrayj0207.16.08 - 3:27 pm
I found sumpin!
ubrayj0207.16.08 - 3:40 pm