the text from above...
PORTLAND, Ore. -- An alleged drunken driver is facing charges after an apparent road-rage incident left a bicyclist clinging to the hood of his car.
Cell phone video captured the seconds after the cyclist was hit.
In the video, cyclist Jason Rehnberg clings to the hood of the car as it speeds down a street, screeches to a stop and speeds around a corner.
Neighbor Dewey Caron said he saw the whole thing.
"He really went fast all the way to the corner and then slammed on the brakes at the corner, really trying to push this guy off," Caron said. "I was scared for the fellow."
Portland police said that Rehnberg was riding his bike when he yelled at the car to slow down.
Witnesses said Rehnberg and the driver of that car, 21-year-old James Millican, got into a heated argument.
"The guy in the car backed up right over his bike," said Caron.
As Rehnberg and Caron tried to get the car's license plate number, the driver took off toward them.
Caron said he jumped out of the way, but Rehnberg ended up on the hood.
"He was hanging onto the front of the car, basically the front of the hood at the windshield, and I said 'Jump off man!'" Caron said. "By then, the guy was going fast and Jason yelled back, 'I'm afraid to.'"
Eventually, the car slowed enough for Rehnberg to jump off, authorities said. He was not injured.
Police said Millican remained in jail on drunken driving, reckless driving, criminal mischief and kidnapping charges.
People are fucking crazy
MOM-RIDA-Raquel07.16.08 - 1:19 pm
"Police said Millican remained in jail on drunken driving, reckless driving, criminal mischief and kidnapping charges. "
What do you want to bet he only loses his diving license for 12 months. If I were a judge, a crime like that would cost you your privilege to drive for the rest of your life.
ideasculptor07.16.08 - 1:22 pm