ride to Mandeville Canyon meeting
Thread started by
Alex Thompson at 07.12.08 - 2:49 pm
Ride to the Mandeville Canyon meeting. Sound off below if you're coming.
On July 4th, two cyclists, Ron Peterson and Christian Stoehr, were assaulted by motorist Christopher Thompson while descending Mandeville Canyon Road. Thompson slammed on the breaks intentionally. Stoehr catapulted over the car breaking his collarbone. Peterson's head slammed through the back windshield, nearly severing his nose.
Story at LAist)
That's enough. I've had enough. We've all had enough with motorist aggression.
Councilman Rosendahl has organized a community meeting to discuss "suggestions from all parties on how to improve safety on the narrow 5 mile roadway" and "efforts to better inform the public about laws and vehicle code sections pertaining to cycling and sharing the road."
Lets attend this meeting en masse to show our support for one another, in solidarity with ALL cyclists.
Ride to the meeting from:
Melrose & Heliotrope
4:50pm, leave promptly at 5:00pm
1816 A Berkeley, Santa Monica
6:00pm, leave promptly at 6:15pm
The meeting is at
Felicia Mahood Multipurpose Center
11338 Santa Monica Boulevard
6:30pm - 8:00pm
Bike parking inside
Ingrid - we're already riding from the Bike District at 4:50pm (more likely 5:10pm, but don't complain if you're late.) It's up there in the post and on the flier.
Alex Thompson07.12.08 - 4:42 pm
rad. didn't see that bit! should be a good meeting, and important to have as many cyclists there are possible. i really encourage everyone to try to make it!!!
ingipet07.12.08 - 4:47 pm
thanks again for organizing alex!
ingipet07.12.08 - 4:51 pm
I've just heard that this meeting is canceled due to "escalating tensions". I don't know for sure, but when I do I'll upload a different photo in place of that photo to let everyone know.
I don't understand why you organize a community meeting, and then you cancel it because of "escalating tensions". What did you expect when you organized it? Isn't part of the point of the meeting to alleviate some of those tensions and humanize the participants to one another?
Alex Thompson07.12.08 - 6:06 pm
Oops. I misread the heading and rode up Mandeville Canyon yesterday.
It was beautiful out and very serene.
two wheels good07.12.08 - 6:10 pm
So lame. I was planning on going.
kyber07.12.08 - 6:20 pm
Escalating tensions?
Well, what do you expect when someone assaults a couple of people and shows no remorse?
That's about as absurd as someone flinging defecant at me, and myself not chasing them with a nine-iron!!!
bentstrider07.12.08 - 9:47 pm
What was the point of the meeting, anyway? To ask a bunch of semi-rich fuckwads for permission to ride on a public street?
But don't let that keep you from riding, because you know what else July 14 is? Bastille Day. The late Sheldon Brown's favorite holiday.
PC07.12.08 - 9:57 pm
Storm the Bastille is on!
On Monday, July 14, we ride from REDquarters (Santa Monica & Vermont Red Line Station) @ 11 to the South Lawn of City Hall for a noon rally.
We've got a Bastillion ideas on ways to make this a GREAT City but we're gonna start with the
Cyclists' Bill of Rights and we're gonna call on our City Leadership to join us in making this a GREAT City with GREAT Streets! (6500 miles of roadway, all of it ridable!)
See you on the Streets!
SoapBoxLA07.13.08 - 7:56 am