Thread started by
SPOOK at 07.29.08 - 1:41 pm
I saw your bike in the rack between Activision/the Art Institute. I was going to leave a note, but had no paper. What were you doing out on the Westside?
Spook--Fuzz just got a job at Activision.
tern07.29.08 - 1:42 pm
speaking of Fuzzbeast...
Hey dude..I have no idea how to build a bike...this beach cruser frame i have is all yours if you want it
MOM-RIDA-Raquel07.29.08 - 1:43 pm
Is Fuzz still living in the Valley?
SPOOK07.29.08 - 1:50 pm
Yip, long-distance ass, commute, all-day, everyday!!!
All so he could sit down and play fackin' video games!!!
I guess that masters really does come in handy!!!
Just messin' dude!!!
bentstrider07.29.08 - 6:26 pm
bentstrider. nice name you picked for your ride.
tern07.29.08 - 6:29 pm
long-distance ass
Within the cycling community this is quite the compliment.
It's like sayin 'damn you got some nice, tone buns. you must put some highway miles on 'em.'
Within the trucking community this would be considered what? A way of describing your numb butt after 16 hours at the wheel? Or a large ass that is the result of driving everywhere?
Eric Hair07.29.08 - 6:45 pm
long-distance ass
This is an ass that spans a long distance. For example:
1- "Daaaayyyyyummm dat grrll got sum a dat long-distance ass rite dare, son!"
2- "Literally. I say we measure it."
1- "Aight"
2- "Wow, her ass is 80miles long!"
imachynna07.29.08 - 6:48 pm
Hot-dang, that is right across the street from my place of employment.
vladster07.29.08 - 7:11 pm
Well, with the amount of "inactivity" I've seen most line-drivers involved in, it's more of a long-distance ass, measured in square miles!!!!
Usually, I keep myself driving for no more than 8 hours at a time.
Then it's either off to the gym, or off to get some anti-crash therapy(sleep).
bentstrider07.29.08 - 8:34 pm