Orange Vehicle Towing Sticker
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imachynna at 06.21.08 - 1:57 am
Has anyone else gotten one of these? I think they're hilarious and genius.
hmm, were you locked to a parking meter?
FuzzBeast06.21.08 - 11:47 am
I've gotten those at Santa Monica College... some hotel put one on my bike one time too.
The one from SMC had a phone number and I had to call to get it unlocked, and pay a 20 dollar fine, which I did not pay.
I would have come back with some bolt cutters :-)
boogalooSHRIMP06.21.08 - 1:58 pm
I got a similar sticker on my bike when I locked it to the fence by the grassy area inside the Grove. I refused to park it in the bike racks outside the farmers' market where they are unattended and in full view. Security didn't like my chosen parking spot much.
ideasculptor06.21.08 - 10:03 pm
Nah, no way was I on a parking meter.
There's a building in Downtown called The Met (a fancy apartment place for fancy people and FIDM students) and I locked it on the very edge of some stairs against the gaurd rail. Luckily I didn't get fined.
imachynna06.23.08 - 3:48 am