crank mob hit'n run

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hitsthepoles_ow at 08.17.08 - 5:36 pm

this is our friend Peanut the clown--we met him on a ride through the lobby of the disney channel executive offices lobby in burbank during a film shoot where we were playing bike messengers
if there's one thing peanut doesn't like, it is those who 'hit and run'
he noticed the wrecked spoke and wobbly wheel Undercover Bob received at crank mob last night while on Fairfax and, having clown clairvoyance... took off on two wheels headed to the westside....
Peanut knows.

it was the subsequent fall and being dragged behind the bike car after being clipped that really got Peanut's ire....
hitsthepoles_ow08.17.08 - 5:40 pm
Peanut looks pissed!
Whoever did the hit and run better watch out!
Blockhead Mark08.17.08 - 5:43 pm
well, while we're on the topic, I wasn't hurt at all and the bike got the worst of it. Thanks to everyone who came back to help me try and get rolling again. SPECIAL thanks to Brad for letting me borrow his bike for the shoot today! I really REALLY appreciate it. I should bake you a cake or something.
Also, this is a good example of why helmets help! NO INJURIES!
On another note, showing up to a movie set on bikes in the same clothes we hadn't taken off since crank mob and having the wardrobe department say, "you guys look great" was pretty fucking surreal.
Undercover Bob08.17.08 - 5:44 pm
Peanut the clown says wear a helmet (or at least a giant wig to protect your head)!
Bikes can be fixed, people not so much.
Blockhead Mark08.17.08 - 5:50 pm
Are we talking about that black pickup truck? Cause that was just fucking horrific.
Graham08.17.08 - 11:11 pm
This is UB's fall when he was pushing the bike car. The current hypothesis is someone brushed his rear wheel a little and that caused him to lose the bike. Someone else had the same spill (pushing from the rear left-hand side) just a half-mile after that, but that's because they got their front wheel into the rear wheel of the bike car. Don't push that thing no matter how much the people inside are begging you to, it's not safe.
What happened to set off the black pickup incident? That shit could have ended bad.
vladster08.18.08 - 12:42 pm
vlad, pushing from the side is fine but pushing from the back is serious danger danger.
tinycities08.18.08 - 12:45 pm