Lost Helmet...

Thread started by
thestolba at 09.2.08 - 12:27 pm
I lost it around the finish line after the all city race. It is black/grey.
Anyone pick anything up?
I believe Hayden picked it up; he was looking for the rightful owner. Don't know if he still has it.
mr rollers09.2.08 - 12:29 pm
that thing was floating all over the place. many times we held it up and shouted. finally left it with the crew that set up the beach blankets.
Roadblock09.2.08 - 12:29 pm
did it really take you till tuesday to remember that you forgot your helmet?? i want whatever your smokin on!!!
theshues09.2.08 - 12:37 pm
Helmet (definition): A helmet is a form of protective gear worn on the head to protect it from injuries. The oldest use of helmets was by Ancient Greek soldiers, who wore thick leather or bronze helmets to protect the head from sword blows and arrows. In the 2000s, soldiers still wear helmets, now often made from Kevlar rather than metal, to protect the head from bullets and shell fragments.
In civilian life, helmets are used for recreational activities and sports (e.g., American football, ice hockey, cricket, and rock climbing); dangerous work activities (e.g., construction, mining, riot police); and transportation (e.g., Motorcycle helmets and bicycle helmets). Since the 1990s, most helmets are made from resin or plastic, which may be reinforced with fibers such as aramids.
mr rollers09.2.08 - 12:45 pm
dude....it's YOU'RE ...........not YOUR. FUCK!!!!!!
barleye09.2.08 - 12:46 pm
hahahah you think i really give a shit which your im using?? seriously its a forum not a term paper.
theshues09.2.08 - 12:54 pm
Hey, barleye, maybe we should start the "spelling & grammar pet peeve" thread?
I've got a few myself . . .
mr rollers09.2.08 - 12:58 pm
eddie and shues can be our first students.
barleye09.2.08 - 1:08 pm
sheeit shues, ya need ta learn ta right bettah or else da ho's will th'o't ya iz uh big dummy. hahaha wack it. w0rd!
barleye09.2.08 - 1:11 pm
Oh, c'mon, I'm not that bad at my grammer! Also, I cant write pretty well if I wanted to, but don't see much need.
hey i dont use iz thats stupid. also sometimes ill just use yr.. how about that im going to do that from now on..
hows yr day?
theshues09.2.08 - 1:14 pm
see that CANT i menat to write CAN..
i am fucked.
theshues09.2.08 - 1:20 pm