Coexist3: Sidewalks?
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GarySe7en at 08.26.08 - 11:13 am
I just completed a
new post in my series on the coexistence of bicycles and automobiles. This one addresses the oh so frequent issue of sidewalks, explaining their unique dangers and why bikes belong on the road. If you like this article please help spread the word, I'd love to see readership expand to newbies and motorists since I know many people reading this already know most of this. I also started writing these so I would have something well composed and comprehensive to reference when debates come up in other forums. I'm tired of hearing the get on the sidewalk crap over and over again.
Here are the links to the posts in the series so far:
Bicycles Taking The Lane
Bikes On The Sidewalk?
gary, this is exactly what i needed. i just sent the link to a friend whose husband insisted they ride on the sidewalk when they bought bikes the other day. he kept telling her they were safer there. ha!
yo delicious08.26.08 - 1:20 pm
I got the evil eye just this morning from a rider hauling ass down the sidewalk as I exited a driveway... idiot.
I usually yell "own the road" but I'm starting to think maybe informative pamphlets are a better idea.
turrican08.26.08 - 1:29 pm
There are times that i do ride on the sidewalk. If there is a bad intersection with heavy traffic and bad roads and i'm riding alone, i'll defer sometimes to the sidewalk. But at that moment, my defensive, spidey senses start working overdirve and i also really slow down my riding so i can react if someone pulls out of a driveway or some other obstacle pops up.
stevo408.26.08 - 1:32 pm
Every once in a while I will find my self rolling on a sidewalk for a short stretch, but when I do I always travel at much slower speed and with special care around areas I know are especially hazardous, like driveways. I wanted to address the issue of perceived safety on the sidewalk and make it clear why cyclists use the road.
I also realize some people will choose to ride on the sidewalk regardless, which is why I also included the link to the article on safe and courteous sidewalk riding.
GarySe7en08.26.08 - 2:02 pm
Another great article Gary! It is really hard to convince people who are new to cycling to use the road, and you've done a great job explaining the reasons why they should. I know when I started commuting by bike, I started on the sidewalk, and it wasn't until I switched to road use that I actually felt safe on my bike. In those first couple of months that I used the sidewalk, I was almost hit by cars on countless occasions just because they didn't think to look for me there. Kudos.
canadienne08.26.08 - 2:26 pm
Thanks canadienne. I'll keep making more articles until it is fairly comprehensive resource. Hopefully with time it will gain as much readership as topics like how to fart while riding a fixed gear bicycle.
GarySe7en08.26.08 - 7:18 pm