sup dude. if youre from burbank, we should ride maybe. I live here too.
bananaphone08.26.08 - 4:51 am
hey banana, did you notice that burbankdan's profile pic looks like barleye? doppleganger, perhaps?
yo delicious08.26.08 - 12:58 pm
So guys, are we doing Santouka on Thursday? I hope so. And what time works for everyone? Any time after 12noon is fine with me.
stevo408.26.08 - 1:12 pm
i'm down with whatever time after 12. is this a driving adventure from east h'wood to wesside? mike, if you want a ride, you can meet me at vermont/beverly metro or we can ride together.
yo delicious08.26.08 - 1:23 pm