ROTW: Undercover Bob
Thread started by
Alex Thompson at 07.27.08 - 10:57 pm
I'm jumping the gun and naming Undercover Bob as Rider of the Week.
Undercover Bob has been bringing his flavor of FUN to the Westside for a while now. This man is fucking amazing on the rings, he brought roman candles for people on the VCM afterride. He split off from VCM for a second on VCM and came back with a jumprope. That was just this Friday.
He brings the FUN. He's got mad ideas. ROTW!!
He introduced me to Brett's mom! Undercover bob is my hero!!
light_fixture07.27.08 - 11:24 pm
sweet picture..
Yea.. Undercover Bob has put over 18 people on bikes within the past 6 months.
^^^ bump ^^^
bondink07.28.08 - 2:04 am
U.B. loaned me a front light on FOTF which i still need to get back to him.
barleye07.28.08 - 7:33 am
Undercover Bob touched me inappropriately... but then I kinda liked it so it became appropriate.
Seriously though, Undercover Bob is one hell of a rider and all-around cool peeps.
Blockhead Mark07.28.08 - 8:05 am
hey barleye! are you doing any westside rides this week? I can probably meet up with you if you do and then I can have double the blinking goodness on my front end!
Undercover Bob07.28.08 - 11:37 am
Hooray for Undercover Bob! It's good to see fellow swingers getting some bike cred!
I'm glad I got to ride with you again last night even if I didn't get to stick around for long. I wish I hadn't missed the group shot on the stairs but hey, maybe next time. You know how to find me!
Keep CRANKin UB!
spider-man07.28.08 - 2:02 pm
hey now! there's a fine line between abduction and molestation. I was doing the latter. That bike is just so... SEXY. If you had showed up just a little bit earlier, I'm sure Spidey would have tea-bagged the hell out of it!
Undercover Bob07.28.08 - 2:29 pm
that is clearly a passion of the bike 1 spoke card in UB's frame
hitsthepoles_ow07.28.08 - 2:35 pm
well, thank you Alex for jumping the gun! I really REALLY appreciate it. I'd like to take this opportunity to thank all of you who have made my time here so much more rich and vibrant in the past year than it has ever been since I moved here almost a decade ago. The MR community means a lot to me and I'll never forget the sense of awe I felt at my first MR ride when I was confronted for the first time with the reality that I was truly not alone with my bike on these streets.
The only cycling community I'd ever encountered was the racing circuit which my father was a part of throughout my childhood and, although there were lots of laid back people who hung out together, the scene was fairly formal, fairly centered around training/racing. I had been commuting and touring by myself for a long time before I stumbled upon this website and I had no idea what to expect when I went on my first ride. It was the first time I'd ever seen a social gathering of cyclists without any competitive aura, in the spirit of friendship, laughter, and the joy of riding.
Since then, I've been exposed to a huge variety of shades and colors of bicycle culture from the freak bike scene to the street hustlers and the scale of this city has shrunk significantly in my perception as I've watched representatives from neighborhoods that I always perceived to be hopelessly segregated by distance and culture come together on their bicycles in and through their respective boroughs in a spirit of togetherness that I've never experienced in any other place or time.
This seems more and more like a renaissance of sorts. We have our ups and downs, but I believe that the landscape that comprises the L.A. bike scene is always evolving in the direction of progress... and fun. LOTS of FUN! Thanks again to everyone who shares their time, thoughts, and energy into our rides, our streets, and our friendships. That means YOU!
Undercover Bob07.28.08 - 3:41 pm
btw, in case the tea-bagging comment confused or alarmed anyone, spidey rode with us last night and after we let him ride on at least three of our bikes, we all had the sudden and startling realization that he was certainly not wearing underwear under his tights... our bikes had been violated and we had realized it only too late. I think X-Large has photos...
This is me trying to ride tinycities' insanely cute new bike with its 24" front wheel. I couldn't stop touching it... it was tooo damn cute... I felt like a bike molester!
Undercover Bob07.28.08 - 3:46 pm
u.b., I'll be riding Steveo's westside ride tonight. i'll bring it with tonight...Someone please give U.B. a tissue so he can clean up the mascara dripping down his face.
barleye07.28.08 - 3:57 pm
lolz I'm more worried about the faux lash that came unglued. I'll try to make it tonight but may have to work too late. Hope to see you there
Undercover Bob07.28.08 - 4:02 pm
X-Large07.28.08 - 5:06 pm
Detective Stabler, my man.
You always chase down the perp and give them the ass-whoopin' they so rightfully deserve.
Even if it means shrugging off Benson, or Munch's advice!!!!
I mean, there's cops that treat rape like it's their job, but you treat it like it's rape!!!
bentstrider07.28.08 - 5:16 pm
hahahahahha! so great, yet so gross.. spiderman tea bagged our bikes!!!!
bondink07.28.08 - 5:20 pm
Hah! I was going to make a comment about the stabler reference but then I saw Knittens in the web and completely lost my train of thought! NICE!
spider-man07.28.08 - 6:32 pm
Undercover Bob gave me crabs and "forced-Felt" me.
I don't whether to hug him or lock him in a room with Brett's Mom and a year old bottle of KY.
Gais07.28.08 - 10:17 pm
Oh.. Gais! As much as we'd all like to keep Brett's Mom occupied long enough to repair the fault lines under her bed.. I don't think we'd want Undercover Bob to be the decoy. He may keep a fairly low profile most of the time, but he's been pretty important to a lot of us here. I know that I, for one, would never have thought to buy a bike if he hadn't personally spent months convincing me to before finally finding me one that I could afford.
^^^ BUMP ^^^
bondink07.29.08 - 1:50 pm
On a more serious note, how many people here have been put on their first bike, brought on their first ride, or otherwise touched by his steadfast positivity and enthusiasm for cycling?
^^^ bump ^^^ BUMP ^^^
bondink07.29.08 - 1:51 pm
Here, here. I definitely need to give credit to UCB for getting me on a bike. Until this spring, I was a miserable sad sack in poor shape, after much encouragement by UCB, I attended several crank mobs and started to ride around town, now I am 40 pounds lighter, I got to meet a whole lot of new people, and enjoy LA without having to shell out a lot whole lot of money.
Gais07.29.08 - 2:33 pm
I always get Undercover Bob and Alex Thompson confused.
imachynna07.29.08 - 2:35 pm
I stopped riding bikes when I was 17, I had a very serious accident out on a trail and decided that the risks were far outweighing the rewards. For almost 10 years I did not ride. Then UB, who is a good friend, reintroduced me to pedal power. Ryan has a genuine love of the road and of cycling that is infectious. Today people are making choices that affect the way that fundamentally live their lives and Ryan provides a positivity that entices people into the fun and freedom of cycling. We should be encouraging people to join us and to see cycling for all its good, and to do that we have to recognize those in the community that make a positive impact, not just on the initiated, but on those who have yet to (re)discover cycling. A healthy community grows and expands and changes, it doesn't just navel-gaze.
fixional07.29.08 - 2:37 pm
This is for my friend EVA:
Ryan convinced her to go on the Taco Tuesday ride last week (was a work night for the both of us) and she laughed and screamed the whole night -- drinking and partying and just loving riding her bike through Ballona Creek.. she has been on the west coast for 6 months and says this is the first time she has felt like she lived in LA! We even closed the night at Cinco De Mayo at 1am!
Plus, right before the ride, Ryan took her to get front and back lights, greesed her chain (hehehe) and tightened her breaks!
She loves riding with MR now!
bondink07.29.08 - 2:56 pm
![](/images/forums/small/ride with friends_1217368982.jpg)
once Uncr Bob towed me with bike lock cable from Santa Monica back to Lincoln/Venice when I had pedal break off my vintage ride on a test-run. His legs got really big and he looked kind of like the hulk from the waist down.
It was not only characteristic surly, but also really helpful.
He also resurrected me from hangover death via Rainbow Acres green juice in the morning and a preventative burrito the night before.
UCB really contributes to the rides. He maintains a central role in helping get together people who live as far away as Ventura and Long Beach who otherwise don't get to see each other anymore. He does a fine job off maintaining the essential good-squad aspects on the rides he's planned and making sure the rides are safe and to plan. He also really works with fun and innovative concepts.
It isn't just you and your bike... but all the bikes/friends you bring along to the rides that makes the ride-experience special.
hitsthepoles_ow07.29.08 - 3:03 pm
I am bondink's sister and I visited the week of the 4th of July. I met many of you on that ride thanks to Ryan.The night I flew in I told him that I wouldn't get on a bike, I literally said and in full honesty, over my dead body! The next day he took me for lunch and I rented a bike. I rode that night on the beach ride and then a few times that week with people around the beach on a bike that Ryan and Sara's friend, Tim, lent me.
This has seriously changed my life as I now bike in NYC, yep, Manhattah, baby! Tim was kind enough to allow me to take his bike back with me so I could adjust and see if I like it. And thanks to Ryan, I can't get enough! It was that extra push, that extra encouragement.
NYC is very different, but it works for two wheels! Hate the cabs, love Central Park. The community in NYC has broadened even more since I have taken to cycling. No doubt, I miss LA and riding with you all and I will be back!
Ryan you are awesome in so many ways, thank you.
nycgirl07.29.08 - 3:36 pm
First off, Undercover Bob introduced me to Bike Porn (guilty pleasure), which is a horrble mixture with Alcohol, perferably Tacate. My first group ride, the Passion of the Bike, brought a new understanding to riding. For Freedom!...echoed into the early hours of dawn. A few weeks later, I had my own. Originally from a 15 year old who traded his bike to me for cash to buy a skateboard (that's a whole other story). I immediatly found myself replacing bus transfers to chain lube, velcro shoes over laced, obsessed with REI sales and skin tight lining...well you know how it feels. No longer relying on others to get me to my destinations, I ride there. There's a whole philosophy to that. There is always the extra push when riding. Rides with UCB are inspiring, motivating and cat eye'd flickering fun. That said, I'm going for a ride.
I dont feel no pain, I dont have no time
To listen to conflicting points of view
I step into the great unknown,
With a crank and chain I call my own
BDawg07.29.08 - 5:33 pm
OMG! I love you guys! It feels so good to see you all riding your bikes now! Sara, Guy, Tim, Brett, Karen, and Brandon; I'm sooo glad to have been a part of your gearing up. Especially you, Karen! You said you'd rather have a MANICURE than go for a bike ride on the first day! You were a tough case! So were you, Guy. What with all of your "I'm in lawschool. I don't have time to ride a bike" nonsense. Knowing that you're all out there with me makes all the road rash and collisions with careless drivers seem worth it. For FREEEDOMMM!
Undercover Bob07.29.08 - 5:46 pm
Oh, and Eva! I'm really glad that you've started riding with us too! I'm really sorry to hear about your bike though. I hope you can get the parts you need and get back out on the road with us soon
Undercover Bob07.29.08 - 5:47 pm
This man brings fun to the rides he's on, keep on rolling!!!
hope to see you out thee again soon!
Limeyfly07.29.08 - 5:57 pm
OMFBG! Thank you HARRY!!!!! I miss you on the rides! I can't wait to see you on the road again!
Yeah Karen! You've gotta get your MR chapter up and running by the time Funderstorm gets there!
Undercover Bob07.29.08 - 6:10 pm
Warm & Fuzzies!
Warm & Fuzzies!
Warm & Fuzzies!
Warm & Fuzzies!
Warm & Fuzzies!
Warm & Fuzzies!
Warm & Fuzzies!
Warm & Fuzzies!
Warm & Fuzzies!
bondink07.29.08 - 6:40 pm
Undercover Bob and I go back about 8 years. The first time I met UCB we got together and played music and had a show later that night. Undercover Bob played hand drums and I rapped in German and then we did some gangsta rap covers. You should have seen our cover of "Nuthin' But a G Thang." Over the years, we've climbed trees, swung on the rings in Santa Monica, and held several raging house parties. Undercover Bob even introduced my parents to his Playmate girlfriend.
UCB got me into biking back in February. My first ride was the first Passion of the Bike I did on some wack bike I borrowed from someone, and the very next day Ryan took me to go get my own bike. Since then I've ridden over 700 miles and countless rides, including 70 miles at the LA River Ride. None of which would have happened if UCB hadn't convinced me to get off my ass and do something EFF YOU ENN. I guess what I'm trying to say is Undercover Bob always brings the fun no matter what he's doing and he always keeps the mood positive.
ROTW 4 sho!
Blockhead Mark07.29.08 - 10:08 pm
Undercover Bob is the man! He reintroduced me to the bike after I'd been off one for many years. I can't often go on rides at the moment, but he made me realize how much more fun it is to take a bike than use most other forms of transport. Rider or the Week? No! RIDER OF THE YEAR!!!
Stagedoor Johnny07.30.08 - 10:10 pm
holy crap you guys! Nick, Mike and Barry; you're really humbling me now! I'm stoked to know that you're all feeling the bike love now. Mike, you've gone from bike bewilderment to bike beast in a matter of months! Nick when are we getting together to re-cable that sweet new bike of yours? Barry, when are we starting construction on your new steed? Let me know and I'll be there with wrench in hand!
Undercover Bob07.31.08 - 2:45 am
![](/images/forums/small/cone head alex_1217486063_1217543615.JPG)
Undercover Bob on the cutting edge of fashion.
This is the kind of hats all the club kids will be wearing 6 months from now.
vladster07.31.08 - 3:33 pm
Undercover Bob breading a bike sandwich.
vladster07.31.08 - 3:34 pm