Cars Suck...or at least the drivers do..
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MOM-RIDA-Raquel at 07.18.08 - 2:02 pm
this is from a forum i found online....
by: Henry Ford
RE: Bikes have the same rights to the road as Cars 7/17/2008 11:55AM - in reply to ronner
Hey Junior, I don't drive my car on your sidewalks so keep your f***in' bicycle off my roads. I pay the state to have my car licensed and registered. I have insurance. You pay nothing.
Bottom line is this also friend, the right of way goes to the biggest machine when it gets down to it.
here is the link:
"by: Henry Ford "
Sounds like a FORD guy.
turrican07.18.08 - 2:09 pm
MOPAR = Mostly Old Parts Assembled Rapidly (but still faster than Fuckin' Old Rod Droppers)
turrican07.18.08 - 2:20 pm
Ahh, damnit!! Stop ruining my Ford association!! Ok, more like a slight following of pre-1974 when they butchered the Mustang. I'm a VW guy anyways. And yeah, that guy is a tool box with his comments on taxes and such.
DetroitRider07.18.08 - 2:33 pm
V.W. (aka worst electrical evar) *and* FORD? Are you a masochist, man?
(p.s. Fucked Over Road Disaster)
turrican07.18.08 - 2:50 pm
VW = lawn mower engineering
and early Ford's were reliable, notice pre-1974. I had a '62 Falcon and even a trans repair was a weekend job at most. A U-joint was 10 bucks and you could repair it anywhere!
DetroitRider07.18.08 - 2:57 pm
"and early Ford's were reliable, notice pre-1974"
haha, you use the *exact* same disclaimer that I do, when identifying myself as a Mopar guy (the 'cuda in the pic above is mine).
turrican07.18.08 - 3:47 pm