
Thread started by
tern at 09.23.08 - 5:02 pm

This is the second in a series of training rides for the Dark Century.
Meet: 6 PM
Ride: 6:45 PM
The Bike Oven
3706 North Figueroa St. Highland Park, CA.
We will be riding 40 miles, then meeting with TWBG for the last 10 miles.
This ride will have a slightly faster paced than DC40 did last Saturday.
Who wants to go?
ride post here
want to go, but I can't. Damn it. I hope I get enough training in, I really want to do the century.
imachynna09.23.08 - 5:04 pm
Do you have a route yet? I can't make the start, but if you happen to ride in my direction, I'll jump on for the second half.
NixonTwin09.23.08 - 5:37 pm
goddamit! am i the only person who works really shitty long hours or what? i would do this... but wouldn't be able to get to Bike Oven until like 8:30 or something...
canadienne09.23.08 - 5:42 pm
Shit !!! I'm heading to vegas in the morning and back thursday night .... I hoped it was next week.................. good thing anyways I guess, my legs still are tight. Next time Tern...................... have a good ride all of you..............
Freeekeone09.23.08 - 5:44 pm
2. mixtemotions
3. Ms. Stephanie
tern09.23.08 - 5:50 pm
@ nixon twin...some people are meeting us later into the ride...
email me. toesandteeth at gmail dot com
tern09.23.08 - 5:51 pm
It depends on when I can get out of work. I'm going to try to make the start, but if not I'll see you in Sierra Madre with Tren Way at the minimum.
Is there going to be pints at Lucky Baldwins or what?
cabhauler09.23.08 - 5:56 pm
2. mixtemotions
3. Ms. Stephanie
4. cabhauler
tern09.23.08 - 6:10 pm
Put me down as a maybe, tomorrow is my first day back on day shift (but I'm still working nights tonight...gee that doesn't make sense...) I'll pack my bike in the car and try to get there before roll out but I can't leave Sherman Oaks till at least 6pm.
nancine09.23.08 - 6:35 pm
i will TRY to make it after work.. pending i sleep before 4 am tonight and get my ass up in time to get my shit together and pack...
Kakihara09.23.08 - 9:08 pm
woot! it's the big five OHHH! Im gonna go eat some pasketti to get prepared. =)
mixtemotions09.23.08 - 11:54 pm
i can't make it tonight until after 7:30 or so.. :( meet up with you later
next time !
Kakihara09.24.08 - 1:13 pm
Not getting out of work in time tonight, sorry to miss you guys!
nancine09.24.08 - 3:14 pm
2. mixtemotions
3. Ms. Stephanie
4. cabhauler
5. trickmilla
trickmilla09.24.08 - 4:06 pm
There's almost no way I'm going to make it to the Oven in an hour. I'll have to just meet you gais in Sierra Madre with Tren Way.
cabhauler09.24.08 - 5:39 pm