Um who baked the cake at CRANK MOB

Thread started by
skd at 09.23.08 - 1:37 am
I know it was Alec and his mom, but I just wanted to say that the cake was awesome! Thanks for the cake!
There was cake??? =(
franz09.23.08 - 3:08 am

Oh yay there was cake, it was really F-ing good,
Definite thanks to Alec and his Mum, and whoever else was involved in the 11 foot board of cakes.
X-Large09.23.08 - 10:46 am
Alec, that was you? The same person with the free hugs stencil? You're awesome!!! Not only was the cake good, but your hat and bike with balloons was also just as great. Plus you pulled over when I was on the sidewalk PLUS you have a free hugs stencil.
imachynna09.23.08 - 10:59 am