looking for political bikers

Thread started by
resist626 at 09.17.08 - 1:29 pm
ya bikers who are down and know wats up in the world looking to start a bike crew thats down with politricks
man theres was this one guy at last months critical mass who just couldnt stop talking bout u eddieboy but he was cool damn forgot his name ....ya but if ya know any down politicos on bikes let me know
resist62609.17.08 - 5:15 pm

I was in politics for a while. Can I ride with you?
NixonTwin09.18.08 - 1:04 pm
you can call your ride Spoke'N Dissent.
DeKadenzy09.18.08 - 1:07 pm
ya i know wat you mean homie all these fucken yuppies just stuck on their bike they dont know thats just an aspect of their life and theirs more like making real change and i dont mean fucken obama..........thats dope homie hit me up so we can start a moving blockade
tumadre09.18.08 - 1:16 pm
right right its like that "if u ride it they will come" atleast the down riders who aint afraid of the po-po
tumadre09.18.08 - 1:21 pm
like jo borfo said make it happen u got a warrior with you
tumadre09.18.08 - 1:22 pm
I am very active politically and am actually looking for people to do some more "politically themed" rides for this upcoming election. I work with a group www.goypm.org that is a non partisan group focused on local city elections (Barack Obama can't do crap about bike lanes / LAPD not knowing the rules). Hit me up if you are interested in discussing a more political group.
Nematoadjr09.18.08 - 1:23 pm
sounds good whosever down hit me up judt hope yall aint 5-0
resist62609.18.08 - 1:30 pm
wish every ride was political or atleast some kind of aspect to it but one of the rules for the m.r. is no politricks....so we can start one hommie ohhh yaa
resist62609.18.08 - 2:03 pm
riding a bike with 1000 other people who are diverse in every aspect including race creed color class and political view IS political to the highest power in my opinion. not sure what other cause could gather such a diverse group together.....
though I'm not a fan of overtly political rides... I would like to know more about the ride you are proposing... resist.... tell me about your politics. your take on the world local and international. on your political ride what would you be advocating for?
Roadblock09.18.08 - 2:12 pm
"sounds good whosever down hit me up judt hope yall aint 5-0"
I'm 3-4.
Ms. Stephanie09.18.08 - 2:12 pm
@ Roadblock,
i agree with you 100% on how these rides are political to an extent.
Adrian_The_BEAST09.18.08 - 2:18 pm
I think a lot of people who first come to these rides see the "potential" political power of the group to spread "their" message and don't really understand or step back to see the bigger picture of how powerful it is for there NOT to be a single political message behind Midnight Ridazz.
Midnight Ridazz power is that EVERYONE is invited no matter your political beliefs. EVERYONE can feel comfortable coming out and riding their bikes with everyone else. After your first ride the magic takes place and that is the magic of sharing a good time with so many people, not spending any money, not being marketed to... it satisfies an ancient human desire to connect with other humans.
THEN the real politics begin because mixing and getting to know your fellow human beings in this fun setting the walls and prejudices start to crumble....
Roadblock09.18.08 - 2:27 pm
eddie your caps lock is apparently in it's default position. can you fix it please.
Roadblock09.18.08 - 2:36 pm
eddieboyinla09.18.08 - 3:10 pm
I'm not a fan of the concept of a specifically "political ride" per say, Although to think MR is somehow politically neutral is not true.
There is no such thing as escaping politics. Even if you just do something you always do, someone else can perceive it as a message. Maybe you ride your bike because it's fun, but someone else might think it's to save the world, and someone else may think you are degenerate scum that is in their way. Politics are everywhere, whether you vote or not, whether you care or not. Politics aren't always banners and flag waving, it's usually a lot more subtle than that.
GarySe7en09.18.08 - 3:23 pm
Just because you do not take an interest in politics doesn't mean politics won't take an interest in you.
-Ralph Nader
spiraldemon09.18.08 - 3:34 pm
As a brand new MR, I am very wary of bring my politics into the community. I see my activities for Local politics and going on rides with you guys as two seperate things. I just wanted to say that up front.
As far as "Political Riders" I would like to do some rides tied to some of the political activity around L.A. I think there are constructive things where a bike presence could really help. For one, my group Young Progressive Majority is holding a voter awareness party for the Nov. Election, where Bill Rothdale and Eric Garcetti two city council men (garcetti is council president) are very pro-bike. Garcetti helped pass a measure that would force new construction over a certain height to include end of the road amenities for bikers (showers and bike parking/storage) they are also pushing to create more bike routes and look into programs like "sharrows". It would be great if I could get a large group of bikers to ride up to the party. This reinforces to them, that bikers are their constituants. This does not nessicarily mean we agree with all their views or endorse them.
So yeah, for me that is an example of a "political ride" not yelling at the police through megaphones but just people who would be interested in rides that reinforce that bikers vote too and you should take us into consideration.
Nematoadjr09.18.08 - 3:52 pm