7/11 Free Slurpee DAY?
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franz at 07.10.08 - 1:23 pm
Just saw this on the ZooBomb foru. There should be ride from the ocean on Santa Monica all the way to The greatful dead ride. There are 9 7/11's on Santa Monica Blvd alone, and a ton more if you go a few blocks out of the way. It would be a perfect mixed drink ride.
I've been bedridden with the flu for the past two days that's the reason I'm suggesting it instead of "doing it".
OMG, it's a godsend...Cub Camp hit it on the way home...awesomeness in a cup, albeit a small-small cup....
nancine07.11.08 - 1:54 am
Oh yeah now I remember- it is a tiny cup. They give you a free slurpee if your total comes out to $7.11 too.
imachynna07.11.08 - 4:11 am
07.11.08 - 7:11 am
franz07.11.08 - 2:13 pm
I had a free lunch today by stopping at all the 7 Elevens between my girlfriend's place and my apartment. 4 Stops, 4 Slurpees, 4 foodzz.
SPOOK07.11.08 - 3:14 pm
Just for the record- I didn't plan that comment out
imachynna07.11.08 - 3:15 pm
For the record, a free micro slurpee of some black energy drink last night at the end of cubcamp has powered me for the last 20 hours!!!
Ten hours work, four hours sleep FTW!
NefariousT07.11.08 - 9:23 pm