Ventura Critical Mass

Thread started by
elloco626 at 07.11.11 - 4:17 pm
yo just trying to get some people together for this ride and maybe some rides before so we can chill and ride some routes this also be a thread for ventura riding
hit me up
ventura isnt a town that needs a critical mass. you can find me riding the canyons around ojai and santa paula.
ruinedbyidiots07.11.11 - 6:46 pm
i'm down for a hustle or a mosey. i live on olive by the bike trail start point.
i met this girl this weekend who said there is a ride that meets certain fridays and saturdays at the fountain on fig and main. apparently there is also a facebook group that post whenever a few just feel like getting together and riding.
heard of these???
I actually just got home from scouting some back neighborhoods for route ideas.
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.11.11 - 9:29 pm
haha i get ya but there be alot of down ridazz around here that we just need to organize i honestly see no problem with that.......handles but wen u down to get out the mountains and with some dope peeps to do them canyons with us hit us up
as for the other homie i havent heard of that facebook i am sadly not on facebook but ya we should ride email me both of yall or any of yall
elloco626 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.11.11 - 10:06 pm
what about this route
elloco626 responding to a
comment by nolikedrive
07.12.11 - 11:46 am
i'm down to come up for this
FMLY07.12.11 - 3:24 pm
nolikedrive, i probably passed your place twice today.
open air bikes used to have rides from their shop on wednesday nights. but that was like, 5 years ago.
fmly, stay at home. please.
ruinedbyidiots07.12.11 - 6:53 pm
too funny
overlapped on olive, main, california, and crossed on seaward and thompson.
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.12.11 - 9:01 pm
yo homie thats cool you dont like to ride ventura but im just trying to get peeps together to ride jew know wat i mean? but ya its just a starter ride a few of my ladies freinds are gonna roll so i aint trying to make the ride so long (ima egg them on to get atleast 20 miles ) it should be dope rolling around on the coast but whatevers cleavers if anyone else has a route in ventura aventura shoot it im no one to turn down positive suggestions
elloco626 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.13.11 - 10:59 am
I think RBI's job is to try to piss people off, most folks just ignore his comments. Get things rolling in Ventura, by all means!
jericho1ne07.13.11 - 12:55 pm
i was going to ride up to grant park, but i saw some sketchy homeless looking lady with two fake legs crouching in some shade at the top of palm shooting something gnarly into her veins and just went down the avenue instead. it seems like youre looking for braindead idiots like that to ride with, so have fun.
my job is actually a bike mechanic.
ruinedbyidiots07.13.11 - 2:03 pm
I live in oxnarda nd am down to ride..used to go down to LA alot..haven't been down in a while..I can and will bring some friends...let me know when and where
VINo80507.13.11 - 3:36 pm
lets do this then ima take everyones adviceand ignore tyler but ya like i said before the vcm we should do a group ride and figure out dope routes to hit up so yall should let me know when your available but mad respects to all you peeps out there lets get this going
elloco626 responding to a
comment by VINo805
07.13.11 - 4:05 pm
bring back the sink ride. but ride your skinny tires down the dirt side of sulphur mtn back to casitas springs.
ruinedbyidiots07.13.11 - 4:57 pm
no no. NO!
gado_gado responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.13.11 - 5:00 pm
Sink Ride was awesome, let's do it again. I've done the dirt side of Sulphur but don't want to try it unless I have fat knobbies on my bike.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.13.11 - 5:32 pm
whats the sink ride?!?! sounds awesome
elloco626 responding to a
comment by mk4524
07.13.11 - 5:48 pm
is that in ojai?!?!? damn looks treacherous my old bike would not make it
elloco626 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.13.11 - 8:56 pm
It's a ride we did back in 2008,
We started out in Ventura and headed up to Ojai by way of Lake Casitas and then past Ojai over the Dennison Grade into "the sink". Then we climbed up Sulfur Mountain and back. I think we did around 2,500 of elevation gain and rode maybe 60 miles.
@RBI BTW -- I've done the Ventura, Lake Casitas, Ojai, Dennison Grade, Santa Paula, Ventura loop a couple of times now. I've also done Sulfur on the dirt side a few times -- too many cow patties and horse flies on the climb. Yeah, I could probably do it on thin 700 tires but it's more fun to bomb downhill with knobbies and shocks.
Let's get some 805 ridazz going. When the weather cools off, let's do Sink ride again!
mk4524 responding to a
comment by elloco626
07.13.11 - 9:02 pm
awww, you did it with gears this time.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by ruinedbyidiots
07.13.11 - 9:11 pm
Ventura Critical Mass!!!?????
What?...............when and where??
S.B.P. RiDa4LiF!07.14.11 - 12:34 pm
the info is on the side bar with the rides hit me up for more info
elloco626 responding to a
comment by S.B.P. RiDa4LiF!
07.14.11 - 3:07 pm
i was thinking maybe this route md pass it around
its a loop of sorts but its a good amout of miles 16 maybe not alot for you upper class pros but its something for the newbies to get their feet wet in riding
elloco62607.14.11 - 4:46 pm
the distance is good for an intro ride but there are way too few streets. Also, I not sure if Thompson and the Ave. are great choices to take a group of potentially partially new riders.
There are some awesomely paves neighborhoods around CMH and south of Main that would be a hoot to breeze through.
Also, have you planned a break stop? Pierpont would be cool and there are plenty of convenience stores as you head into the area for people to grab their gateraid or whatevers.
Too much time on the bike path potentially too. Maybe just go up it a little ways then take olive back towards the coast. Santa Clara and Poli are nice streets to ride. The posted route has about 10 feet of elevation. Don't be afraid of a little incline.
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by elloco626
07.14.11 - 5:29 pm
thanks man haha ya i just noticed the little incline ...ya i know i was on the ave earlier and i noticed that but damn homie im open to suggestions so just let me know
elloco626 responding to a
comment by nolikedrive
07.14.11 - 6:02 pm
I will be at the fountain (main and fig.) from 7:30-7:45 if anyone wants to ride.
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by elloco626
07.15.11 - 11:48 am
is that today?!?!? me and some of my homies might be down main tonight
elloco626 responding to a
comment by nolikedrive
07.15.11 - 2:58 pm
yeah dude, today. call me. My number is in the email i sent you. i am down for a little ride.
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by elloco626
07.15.11 - 3:34 pm
how about a ride thursday night? anyone in the ventura vicinity down ?
elloco62607.18.11 - 10:19 am
im hitting up the pierpont area around 3 or 4. i might even go as far as hueneme. probably not though.
ruinedbyidiots07.22.11 - 11:42 am
Damn, same night as LACM.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by S.B.P. RiDa4LiF!
07.24.11 - 11:37 am
rides tommorow hit me up for more info
elloco62607.28.11 - 8:48 am
I have been by the start like 4 times already; no one is there yet
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by elloco626
07.29.11 - 10:20 am
I hit you up twice and get no reply. Is it on or not?
mk4524 responding to a
comment by nolikedrive
07.29.11 - 11:06 am
ya bro the ride isnt for another few hours starts around 530
ohh and mk sorry homie worked a late shift just woke up but i just emailed you back
ima run some route ideas with yall if you homies attend its kinda a 8 around the ojai trail and the beach like 15 miles a good starting ride then we can all go from there
elloco626 responding to a
comment by nolikedrive
07.29.11 - 2:08 pm
i will likely be running late. Can we make this a "biker time" leave aka 7:15-ish
nolikedrive responding to a
comment by elloco626
07.29.11 - 6:01 pm
super fun ride. more of a mosey than a mass but i really like where this is going.
nolikedrive07.30.11 - 10:43 am
Good to see all of you Friday night.
Come on up to Santa Barbara for the annual cruise ride on Sunday.
Leave from the Dolphin Fountain at the foot of State Street at noon sharp. Cruise up State Street then up the bike path to UCSB and to Ellwood. Expect a couple of thousand riders.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by nolikedrive
08.1.11 - 3:51 pm
The only like I can find is on Facebook
mk4524 responding to a
comment by gado_gado
08.1.11 - 8:28 pm
I just see people. If you want to turn it into a race issue, please don't come.
mk4524 responding to a
comment by gado_gado
08.2.11 - 1:22 am
Thanks for the link. It sounds like something I want to do, but it's on my kid's birthday and we got something planned. I have been able to get him and Maria both on the tandem with me at the same time. I got one of those front facing baby seats on the handlebars. Works well.
See ya later, cranky!
gado_gado responding to a
comment by mk4524
08.2.11 - 1:38 am
Hey, Mike, I'd like to apologize for that comment. I realize that even though it wasn't meant seriously, I should refrain from making comments like that.
With respect,
another Mike
gado_gado responding to a
comment by mk4524
08.2.11 - 9:26 am