Ridazz Skull

Thread started by
Alfredo at 12.18.10 - 2:16 am
Just wondering, why is it that our symbol is a skull?
How does this represent us as a collective group?
I know the eyes are wheels and stuff, but ....
...Might have something to do with the act that Ridazz was founded by Skull...
FuzzBeast12.18.10 - 3:32 am
Memento mori, Faustino. Remember that you will die.
It is with the awareness of our own mortality that we may fully appreciate our vitality. It is in the shortness of our years that we may make our days and hours and minutes long. It is through this humble existence that we may do great things.
Good night, Faustino. In the morning I am off to Africa. I will bring you back a mask for carnival. Sleep well.
Fausto Coppi12.18.10 - 5:44 am
That's how I've always also viewed and appreciated the Ridazz Skull.
Joe Borfo responding to a
comment by Fausto Coppi
12.18.10 - 2:54 pm
See, to me it doesn't matter where it really comes from. Be it a memento mori or a reminder of the mindset of the mamas and the papas, what really matters is that it, in and of itself is a symbol, one that reminds all who see it who we are.
It also makes us look kinda badass.

FuzzBeast responding to a
comment by Joe Borfo
12.21.10 - 4:56 am
No I definitely agree, but I just wondering if there was something deeper to it.
Because, before this thread, I just thought it was bad ass, ya know.
& I recently took a sociology class & the book covered symbols & cultures..
It would be nice if more people knew what the skull represents. If it should be defined.
Thanks for the responses, truly nice.
Alfredo responding to a
comment by FuzzBeast
12.22.10 - 1:06 pm
Alfredo ,
Also u may wanna find out who the designer or the logo-skull is. He/she could tell you more on what influenced the design. Also I kknow the copyright owners might be able to shed more light on where they were going when they chose this design. Thanks for aking the ?. I like where this is going.
el sabroso12.22.10 - 1:52 pm
Haha sweeet my First name is Also FAUSTINO nice:))
Reonsk1212.22.10 - 2:13 pm
Thanks for posting that, Patrick. That video should be required viewing for all Ridazz - if only just to see where it was at five years ago.
mr rollers responding to a
comment by trickmilla
12.22.10 - 5:31 pm
Of possible interest.
I get the impression that The Bone Ride was the beginning of the Ridazz skull logo, though since I wasn't there, I can't say for sure. It doesn't show up on any spoke cards in its present form until the
1 year anniversary.
nathansnider12.24.10 - 6:43 pm
FUNZIE... really???
NO. i vote for skull. well, it doesn't matter what i vote for i am not cuddle puddling with no FUNZIE i'll still sport the skull on my attire.
Kakihara10.17.12 - 5:57 pm
Yeah but Funzie wont ever die. So you wont have to learn all this Latin garbldygook.
Roadblock responding to a
comment by Kakihara
10.17.12 - 6:04 pm
Im starting "Team Naysayers on Funzies" its happening I will hate on this idea until it is buried 10 feet deep
andres84 responding to a
comment by Roadblock
10.17.12 - 6:38 pm
I'd rather have eddieboy's face as our logo than something named funzie..
barleye10.18.12 - 9:12 pm
What about Eddyboy's face but we could name him "The Funz"
Roadblock responding to a
comment by barleye
10.19.12 - 3:15 am