riding through the italian streets!

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marzok at 10.11.08 - 2:54 pm
hey people :)
just to shout out
i need it
all of you, and i'm sure about it, knows a lot about italians stereotypes
most of them are fake other are true
i eat pizza, i have moustaches sometimes and i'm a great lover!!! :)
anyway the one is true is how the people drive here
i have senses like a martial arts master!
i mean the main problem ist that most of the streets, road etc were made in a historical period where cars didn't exists
so now we can't move the buildings
but anyway
there are drivers categories that are reeeeaaaally dangerous
the most dangerous is the woman driving suv while talking to cell phone and taking care of her make up trough the small mirror tagetin her face and not the road
second pizza delivery guys
they use scooters and they are fucking crazy
they burn verey stop and any red lights
third the young guy with the new car ,most of them use the minicooper, the listen to house musci so loud thet they don't hear the ambulance or police and months ago i saw a car crash because of thet that was amazing
the young manager with the audi, anyone in italy knows taht who owns an audi has an ego so huge that he is able to kill you like mosquitos
last and is the baddest is the grandpa and grand ma tha drive oooooold alf aromeo, simaca or fiat and they usually wear caps
they drive like when the town had 500 cars
so they don't care about anything
and the ugliest thing is that my town is a bike safe citry
the bike lane are too dangerous
people expecially the old ones are note able to use them so you have to ride trough the car lane is more safety
sorry but i yelled and screamed 3 times tonite
an dis soooo fun when you sprint and burn the fucking carssss!!!
love my sykle
i'm from north italy
a small ancient town with an amazing castle in the middle!
love this town
go out at night with bycicle is awesome!!!:)
yes i mean i know that all the syklist from anyplace have the same problems
a lot of places of the acient hystorical town center are closed to the cars and this is reeeeally nice!!!!
marzok10.12.08 - 4:24 am