Thread started by
tinyE at 10.19.08 - 4:05 pm
Anti-SMPD Ride = FAIL
It's not like the weekly SMCM rides aren't getting the point across, there's no point in antagonizing them directly.
Most of us aren't anti the SMPD, we just wish they'd use their law enforcement abilities on enforcing laws to protect the public, rather than antagonizing cyclists for no good reason.
Our goal is to get them to mellow out by pointing out the inherent foolishness of the situation. If we start antagonizing them and they take it personally, we're not going to achieve that goal.
JB10.19.08 - 5:55 pm
I am not trying to antagonize the SMPD, I just want to start a west side ride outside of SM, but in the area, cause the cops harrass us every time we ride through their city. I believe there is a common feeling about that PD, and I wanted to start a ride cause I love MR rides.
tinyE10.19.08 - 8:54 pm
Every friday that we're riding in SMDP, we've had a police presence... and to my knowledge... only PB got a ticket at one of them.
The same officers that patrol SMCM see us riding on Fridays, so they know what we're doing... As these alternate rides get bigger and start to compete with SMCM... The SMPD will be forced to re-prioritize their attacks strategy as in: Why continue to harass once a month when there are rides EVERY friday... or Harass all rides (which could be a public relation embarrassment with people being murdered in the city a few miles from where we ride.)
boogalooSHRIMP10.20.08 - 11:19 am