Fresh Pressed for Obama
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Aqueous Atom at 10.17.08 - 11:10 am
As the most important election for our future fast approaches, some friends and I have put together the Barack On Obamathon, a fundraiser for Barack Obama's final push to the Presidency. The event will be held at Fresh Pressed on Hollywood Blvd. in Los Feliz (where Shepard Fairey recently put up the Obama/Hope rooftop wall mural seen in the pic below) on the night of Friday October 17th from 6-11pm.
We've teamed with local artists who've contributed pro-Obama designs for live screen-printing of shirts, garments, and posters. Artists include Max Erdenberger, Jimm Lasser, Jessica Louise, Megan McGinley, Lenny Mesina, Keith Scharwath, and more! PROCEEDS WILL GO STRAIGHT TO THE OBAMA/BIDEN CAMPAIGN TO CONTINUE RAISING AWARENESS IN THE REMAINING SWING STATES . Pricing for goods will go as follows:
$20 shirt/garment
$10 B.Y.O.T. (bring your own T or other printable garment)
$10 poster on French paper
In addition to designs, drinks, and djs, the good folks who put on the Obama Bake Sale Fundraiser will also be in attendance to fill your appetites for change!
Thanks for your support and I hope you'll join us in helping make a difference!
If you'd like to contribute but can't make it, please help us reach our fundraising goal by visiting our webpage and making a donation:
correction for sake of blaspheme: I did not organize this. Another Rida and designer, Spence-dawg, is responsible for. I am only a messenger of the word. LETS RIDE AND THEN MOSEY TO SINS N SPROCKETS!!
Aqueous Atom10.17.08 - 11:14 am
Remember though, he isn't spending his own money. He is spending the money of people who donated to him. I forget the stats but a lot of that money is small amount donated by many individuals. Don't disceredit the guy because he raised a lot of money. This system requires that a candidate raise a lot of money unfortunately. Mc Cain is whining because he went for public funding, however the republikkkans have raised vast amounts of money by 527 "swift boat" groups who aren't recorded as direct donations and their messages are much more negative and personal including email campaign with outright characterizations like calling obama a terrorist and fearmongering.
If this system were going to be fair it would restrict all political advertising and give EVERY candidate in the race equal air time in the press.
Roadblock10.23.08 - 9:13 am