My bike is possessed

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FuzzBeast at 10.14.08 - 9:54 pm some sort of weird bike part breaking gremlin.
in the last week I have had something break pretty much every day.
let's see:
spoke (last monday)
light (last tuesday)
bars (last wednesday)
faceplate bolt #1 (last thursday)
lost a chainring bolt (last friday)
faceplate bolt # 2 (this monday)
pedal cleats (this monday)
I've managed to fix and/or replace everything except the second faceplate bolt (mostly by stripping parts of my other bikes) I think there's something wrong with the stem causing the breakage, and now the stem is fucked as the broken part of the bolt will not come out.
It's so frustrating.
For real, where is this mysterious De Bernardi that I keep hearing about?"
cabhauler10.14.08 - 10:38 pm
bike maintenance (and a low-torque torque wrench) is your friend.
ideasculptor10.14.08 - 11:16 pm
There comes a point in every bikes life when it starts to fall apart.
Sadly, both of my rides are in the same boat at the moment.
Mook10.14.08 - 11:24 pm
I maintain my bikes pretty well.
Most of it has just been crap wearing out from WAY too many miles (my bike has approximately 15000). The bars gave from fatigue under me while I was skidding. On the light, some solder (which is all that was holding the wire into the light) wore out, the spoke, who knows, the chainring bolt (something I check constantly, as I ride fixed and have sheared them before) was less than a month old, and was tight that morning. The stem (also about a month and a half old), I am fairly certain, has an incorrectly tapped screw hole, causing the plate to sit at an angle, bending the screws. The cleats, well, those have been giving me the warning signals that they need to be replaced for a while, I've just been too broke to do anything about it.
It's just been bad luck, and timing.
FuzzBeast10.15.08 - 1:04 am
and the De Bernardi isnt running because I've had to take tires and a couple other parts off it to keep my orange bike running, horray for being unemployed.
FuzzBeast10.15.08 - 1:05 am
at leat your bike was not made in china =/
spent 200% of it on repairs
aksendz10.15.08 - 1:08 am
Bring your light by my shop when your in the hollywood area. I'll fix it for you.
Mook10.15.08 - 1:54 am
ok, send me an email with the address. I'll be by tomorrow or thursday. I'd do it myself but I can't find my soldering iron (it's somewhere in the boxes of crap from my studio that have taken over my closet), and I don't have any solder.
FuzzBeast10.15.08 - 1:57 am
I feel ya Fuzz. I think our gremlins might be related. My new forks are hinkey and I had to leave my ride at Orange20 last night because of some wierd clicking/clacking sound emanating from the bottom bracket/cranks that even had Jim C. scratching his head. Then this morning on my back up bike the front derailleur had a FAIL and I can't get on the big ring.
Agent Orange10.15.08 - 10:18 am
mass exorcism. get all yer possessed bikes together and take them to bike church or call out the bike priest and get rid of those unruly spirits.
kryxtanicole10.15.08 - 10:42 am
it just wants to cuddle fuzzbeast ;o
thestolba10.15.08 - 11:58 am
sounds like these bikes have been lacking TLC.
la duderina10.15.08 - 12:04 pm
Hey Fuzz, you still riding out to the west side everyday?
Rogue Rida10.15.08 - 2:52 pm

Your bike is most certainly possessed. I saw it drag you through that haunted toll booth arm at USC. Totally evil. Perhaps it is a "vampire bike"
frumble10.15.08 - 3:09 pm
All my bike-woes are directly related to the combination of "Cheap-parts+Careless attitude=snap, kaboom, fire."
Ever since I started taking my recumbent off of ramps and down rough, fire roads, I've finally invested in a dual-walled, BMX rim after "flat-spotting" two previous ones.
The rear-wheel on my Hummer was replaced in September after rolling over one, too many obstructions and the spokes finally saying, "fuck this!!"
However, I've finally been getting some compliments in regards to my wide-ass handlebars on the Hummer.
Geez, I've only had those on there for like, 14 months!!!!
bentstrider10.15.08 - 3:59 pm
Shrek, Angelina Jolie, and Brad Pitt were all having lunch together.
Shrek said, 'I have always thought that I'm the strongest man in the world, but how can I be sure?'
Angelina Jolie agreed. 'I'm told I'm the most gorgeous of them all, but sometimes I wonder.'
Brad Pitt said, 'I'm pretty sure I'm the sexiest man alive but I've never had it confirmed.'
They all decided that the best way to find out if their beliefs were true was to ask the famed talking 'mirror, mirror on the wall' to confirm for them whether Shrek was the strongest, Angelina Jolie was the most gorgeous, and Brad Pitt was the sexiest.
They agreed to meet again the next day for lunch to discuss their findings.
The next day Shrek walked up with a smile. 'Well, it's true. The mirror told me that I am indeed the strongest man in the world.'
Brad Pitt perked up and said: 'And I know for sure that I'm the sexiest man alive.'
But Angelina Jolie lifted her sad, gorgeous face and said...
'Who the hell is Fuzzbeast??? "
MOM_RIDAZ42010.15.08 - 4:22 pm
this sucks, my stupid bike is all infested with gremlins and therefore broked (i musta somehow fed em after midnight) I havent gone for a bike ride longer than a couple blocks (on my bmx no less) since monday morning when I got home. I am going stir crazy! I'ma have to at least get beer and go sit in the park and smoke and drink, and be with all the bike people in spirit.
Currently the things keeping me from riding: broken stem (still broke from sunday, should be fixing tomorrow), platform pedals (on a brakeless fixed, um thank you no)- all of my clipless pedal shoes are now fucked, I'm tired of spending decent money on a pair of shoes that will last me only a few months (and my options are super limited as I have large feet) before falling apart, as well as having to replace cleats all the time, when i can spend next to nothing and get a pair of shoes I can throw away after 2 years, I think I'm going to have to switch to cages and straps. I am going to try and remedy this tomorrow as well, and not be bankrupt.
FuzzBeast10.15.08 - 9:33 pm