Spooks new Addy

Thread started by
e-rock at 09.25.08 - 8:50 pm
Spook's been re-stationed to Mississippi!!!!
SPC Hertler, Kyle
HHC 1-112th Inf SBCT 56 Bde,
Bdlg 2903 Lee Ave.
Camp Shelby, MS
He wanted me to tell everyone that he misses you and if you send him a care package (preferably clean, or lightly used thongs) you'll be entered into a raffle to be the mother/father of his first child!
Good to know he's not on the front line.
Mook09.25.08 - 9:21 pm
oh poop!
i sent him a postcard to the other place a few days ago...
oh well.
another letter comes his way!
moondance09.26.08 - 12:53 pm
man, there is NOTHING to do in hattiesburg except drink budweiser and watch football games at usm.
ruinedbyidiots09.26.08 - 1:01 pm
kyle appreciates all the letters/mails he has gotten so far!! He doesn't have email access, and well.. snail mail is more fun anyway!
He will be at the above address for the next couple months (he is spending a total of 61 day there.) So there shouldn't be any change to this address until he is sent to Louisiana afterward.
As of now, the plan is that he will be in Louisiana for a month, and then have some leave time (about 10 days) and then will be sent to Iraq after the first of the year.
But you never know, the army is good at changing its mind. So let's just continue to hope for the best!!
yay for tall bikes and SP00KS!
i heart them!
jannatha09.27.08 - 1:49 pm
I LOVE YOU GUISE! Mississippi (what very little I've seen of it) sucks. I hate this place, I hate these people, I hate this work. [end gripe].
For those of you who don't know, in a strange turn of events, I was placed into a Pennsylvania National Guard
Stryker unit. (56th Brigade). We're here in Mississippi for about another month before we move on to Fort Polk, Louisiana for combat "certification". I'll hopefully be able to come home for a few days around Christmas before we head over seas.
Thank you all so so so much for the mail. Its very rare that I'm allowed the luxury of email, and since everything else here sucks, mail is the only thing I look forward to. I love all you guys and miss you very much. Ride safe!
SPOOK10.15.08 - 6:47 am
The upside is you're working off some of the 400 days in the usa instead of overseas.
Be safe.
barleye10.15.08 - 7:34 am
Good to hear an update! Glad he's in the US for a while- boo to iraq and hopefully that doesn't happen.
Spook! Can't wait til you are back!
tomato10.15.08 - 9:58 am