Thread started by
ijunes at 11.7.08 - 1:13 am
just saw that.
what are your thoughts?
Sounds effective enough.
Unfortunately, no fire's involved, but gets the job done.
bentstrider11.7.08 - 1:23 am
Yeah make it 'splosive. Fill it with gas and call it the "flintlock". Blow up bike thieves.
horse sense11.7.08 - 3:22 am
Seems cool. but since it's a cable lock... wouldn't that mean that they can still get through it and take off with the bike even though they've been sprayed w/ that stuff?
Initial reaction would be shock but then anger and will still take it. Maybe? I like the idea on the colored liquid but it also says that it can be washed off. Now if they switched up the air/liquid w/ pepper spray.. .that would be interesting.
digablesoul11.7.08 - 10:38 am