For everyone who thinks voting doesn't matter...

Thread started by
JB at 11.5.08 - 7:52 am
California's constitution is about to be amended, and gay people are about to lose the right to marry, due to a proposition that's passing by less than ONE PERCENT of the vote.
Nice work.
well theres nothing we can do about it right now so you should just keep complaining.
ruinedbyidiots11.5.08 - 9:43 am
mostly minorities voted yes on prop 8. there are lots of catholic latinos living in california.
ruinedbyidiots11.5.08 - 11:16 am
what is done is done
are you kidding? this is california, you can put whatever you want on a proposition 3 times a year every year. just come up with a few hundred thousand signatures.
stevestevesteve11.5.08 - 11:18 am
well, i just don't know...
my first wife was gay and she married me. who says gays can't marry???
indigis11.5.08 - 11:22 am
I don't even know why I replied to this
I voted absentee ballot for Ohio
Get that paper with some signatures going and I'll sign it though!
jonnyboy11.5.08 - 11:25 am